

What were fossils considered to be?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What were fossils considered to be?
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Are crocodiles fossils?

Crocodiles could be considered to be "living fossils" as they have survived on Earth from the time of the dinosaurs.

Are fern fossils considered animals?

Fern fossils come from ferns. Ferns are plants, not animals. Hence, fern fossils are plants, not animals.

When there are fossils in rock layers which are considered the oldest?

the ones closest to the bottom

Why are fossils not considered a mineral?

Minerals are solid, inorganic, naturally occurring, have a fixed chemical composition, and not finally, a perfect internal atomic structure. Fossils come from organic materials. Therefore, fossils are not considered minerals, although yes, by the time the organic material has fossilized, consists of minerals.

What are petrified feces?

Petrified feces is also called coprolite. It is body waste that has turned into stone. In terms of fossils, they are considered trace fossils, not body fossils. Paleofeces is the name for ancient human waste.

What is Geology of river tillingbourne?

sedimentary rock my guy fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils fossils nbut u cant see thrm lel

What are five different type of fossils?

Imprint fossils, Mineralized fossils, frozen fossils, fossils in amber, and cast fossils.

Is a mammoth in frozen ice a trace fossil?

No. A mammoth trapped in ice is a body fossil. Trace fossils are evidence of life but not part of the animal itself. Examples of trace fossils are footprints, nests, worm burrows, teeth marks etc. Coprolites (fossilized Dung) in the strictest sense are also trace fossils. Eggs, teeth, bones, skin, hair, feathers etc are all body fossils.

Why are fossil fuels considered a no renewable resources?

Fossil fuel is made from fossils that was under pressure for millions of years and turned into oil or coal. This can not be reproduced since there are no more fossils made from long extinct animals.

Are fossils renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable as they are the product of living things that died in the distant past.

Are fossils young compared to the age of the Earth?

The oldest fossils found are considered to be from the late Archean period which ended 2500 million years ago. By contrast, the Earth is believed to be 4500 million years old. So, though both dates are amazingly old, the Earth is definitely older than the fossils.

What is the term for the remain of thing found in rock?

The terms are fossils.