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Coureurs de bois.

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Mountain men.

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Q: What were fur trappers and traders who blazed trails in the west called?
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What trails did people use to travel west of the Mississippi?

Trails originally used by native Americans for trade plus newer trails blazed by explorers and guides. Some of these trails acquired the names:Oregon trailCalifornia trailMormon trailSanta Fe trailBozeman trailetc.

What role did trappers and traders play in opening up the West?

Since the trappers were the first into an region they were the people who created or found routes that could be used by others. Many became the guides for the Western wagon trains and for individuals across the country. They knew the natural trails, water sources, languages of the Native American tribes and passes that people needed.

What is Daniel Boone historical?

He was a great scout, statesman, and blazed trails through the wilderness fgor others to follow, helping the spread of civilization in America.

In what ways were trappers and mountain men important in the development of the American West History question?

Trappers and mountain men were important in the development of the American West because they helped to explore and create new trails and roads.

What is Daniel Boone's historical impact?

He was a great scout, statesman, and blazed trails through the wilderness fgor others to follow, helping the spread of civilization in America.

What are trails and burrows in science?

trails and burrows are small like animals called voles

What are the long trails of ejecta on the moon's surface called?

They are called rays.

Which three trails crossed the rocky mountains at south pass?

The three trails that crossed the Rocky Mountains at South Pass were called the Mormon, Oregon, and the California trails.

How did mountain men open the west for later settlement?

The first people into the West were the mountain men. These were the fur trappers who followed the animals for pelts and kept going further West as the animals were given became harder to find. Many of these men lived with various tribes and went into places like Yosemite before anyone else.

What are the long trails of ejecta on the Moon's surface?

They are called rays.

What is an airplane smoke trail called?

Contrails or condensation trails

What mountain bike trails are good for beginners in Aspen Colorado?

Easy now there is 2 mountain bike trails that are good for beginners in Aspen Colorado. One is to the east called " East Mountain Bike Trails for Beginners in Aspen Colorado". And the 2nd one is to the west called " West Mountain Bike Trails for Beginners in Aspen Colorado".