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There are several results from the colonization of the Islamic World by European Powers:

1) Breaking of Traditional Islamic Power Structure: Prior to colonization, Islamic States had a secular ruler (sultan or king) who had a religious ministry overseen by the chief imams which had endured from the Middle Ages. There was a very specific balance between the authority that the secular ruler could wield and how much the religious authorities could wield and in which political spheres. The colonizers saw no place for the Islamic clerics in their system of governance, especially since they were far more socially conservative than the colonizers. With the return of independence, there has been no modern balancing, resulting in hyper-secular states on the one hand and hyper-religious states on the other hand.

2) Modern Borders:
The current borders in the Islamic World do not reflect ethnic or, necessarily, pre-colonial borders; they reflect the demarcations and borders set by the colonizers.

3) Colonial Languages:
English and French have strong second-language status in a number of Islamic countries specifically because of the colonial past.

4) Infrastructure:
A large percentage of hospitals, schools, highways, railroads, and other elements of modern infrastructure throughout the Islamic World were first built during the colonial period by the colonizers. Of course, many of these have since been improved, but the origins trace back to the colonial period.

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Q: What were some results of the colonization of the Islamic world by European powers?
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