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the punishments were putting soap in the mouth for swearing eg. shut up

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 21h ago

In the 1950s-1960s, punishments varied based on the crime committed. Common punishments included fines, probation, community service, and prison sentences. Harsher penalties such as the death penalty and life imprisonment were also in use during this time period.

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Q: What were the Punishments in 1950s - 1960s?
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Continue Learning about Criminology

Who argued that punishments should not be exercises on brutality?

The philosopher Cesare Beccaria argued that punishments should not be exercises in brutality. He believed that punishments should be proportional to the crime committed and that the justice system should focus on deterrence rather than retribution.

What were the punishments like in the 1970's?

In the 1970s, punishments varied depending on the crime and jurisdiction. Common punishments included fines, probation, community service, and incarceration. The 1970s also saw a rising focus on rehabilitation as a goal of punishment in the criminal justice system.

Which school of criminology emphasizes the role of free will and reasonable punishments?

Classical criminology emphasizes the role of free will and rational choice in criminal behavior. It also advocates for reasonable punishments that are proportionate to the crime committed.

In the 1700s what were punishments for crime?

In the 1700s, punishments for crimes varied widely depending on the severity of the offense and the region. Common punishments included public humiliation, fines, imprisonment, banishment, and even execution through methods such as hanging, beheading, or burning at the stake. The justice system at the time often employed harsh penalties to deter future criminal behavior.

Which sociologist noted that punishments established within a culture help to define acceptable behavior and contribute to societal stability?

Γ‰mile Durkheim, a French sociologist, suggested that punishments play a crucial role in defining acceptable behavior and maintaining social order within a society. He argued that the established punishments act as a form of social control that helps to reinforce shared values and norms, ultimately contributing to societal stability.