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Q: What were the accomplished made by president William McKinley?
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Where was the first president William McKinley from and who made him president of Puerto Rico?

William McKinley was president of the United States when Puerto Rico became a US Territory. I suppose you could call him the first president of Puerto Rico. McKinley lived in the state of Ohio before he was president.

Who was the 25 president that was assassinated?

William McKinley was the 25th president to be assassinated.

What Happend To President McKinley in 1901 that made Roosevelt President?

President William McKinley was visiting the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo NY. He was shot by an assassin on 6 September and died on 14 September. Theodore Roosevelt, as Vice-President, was sworn in as President that day.

How did the assassination of president William McKinley lead to progressive reforms at the national level?

The death of McKinley made Theodore Roosevelt the President. Roosevelt had many new ideas and pushed through many progressive reforms- conservation and food and drug safety for example.

Was william howard taft ever vice president?

Yes, he was the fattest president. They made him a custom-sized bathtub in the White House. It can fit about 4 men.

What state was William McKinley elected from?

William McKinley was elected governor of Ohio in 1893 and left office in early 1896 and began campaigning for a presidential nomination. He made his home in Canton, Ohio.

How did Theodore roosevelt and William McKinley expand Americas role in the world?

they made a difference

Who commanded forces in the Spanish-American War?

President William McKinley, General Nelson A. Miles, US Army, Admiral George Dewey, US Navy. There were also countless numbers of Squad, Platoon, and company leaders who deserve recognition. There were thouands of nameless individual leaders at any one time who made a genuine difference.

Was William McKinley the nicest president?

yes he was. he was known to give people a carnation flower upon meeting them for the first time. and the fact that he was physically intimidating, yet so nice made his niceness even more genuine. he was arguably the nicest president to be assassinated.

Why did William McKinley annex the Philippines?

President McKinley did not believe that the Filipino's were capable of self government. Theodore Roosevelt felt the same way when he became President of the United States. There was certainly no consensus among the various factions in competition to head a government. Attempts were made at the local level at Nation building, but they rarely held the post for more than a month or two.

What made President McKinley go into war?

The mysterious sinking of the USS Maine was the Casus belli.

What is the name of Blaine's old school in glee?

Glee is filmed primarily at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, CA, with cafeteria, outside hallway and football field scenes at Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo High School in Long Beach and gym scenes at Helen Bernstein High School in Los Angeles.