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Though the 63 years between 1882 and 1945 have a vast amount of history, I believe the following time-line summarizes key points in the development of the world as a whole. 1885 L.A. Thompson patents the roller coaster. 1885 Pharmacist Dr. John Stith Pemberton invents a carbonated beverage that would be named Coca-Cola. 1885 Benz develops first petrol-driven car, starting the most profound technical and social revolution of the modern age. 1888 George Eastman registers the trademark Kodak, and receives a patent for his camera which uses roll film. 1890 The corrugated cardboard box is invented by Robert Gair, a Brooklyn printer who developed production of paper-board boxes in 1879. 1891 James Naismith invents basketball. 1892 Rudolf Diesel applies for a patent on his compression ignition engine (the Diesel engine). 1893 The United States Supreme Court legally declares the tomato to be a vegetable. 1893 New Zealand introduces unrestricted women's suffrage. At this point women win the principle of full political equality. 1899 David Hilbert creates the modern concept of geometry with the publication of his book Grundlagen der Geometrie. 1900 Max Planck announces his discovery of the law of black body emission, marking the birth of quantum physics. 1901 Orville Wright flies an aircraft with a petrol engine at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in the first documented, successful, controlled, powered, heavier-than-air flight. 1904 The first successful caterpillar track is made (it later revolutionizes construction vehicles and land warfare). 1905 Albert Einstein submits his doctoral dissertation On the Motion of Small Particles..., in which he explains Brownian motion. In the course of the year, Einstein publishes 4 papers, formulates the theory of special relativity and explains the photoelectric effect by quantization. 1917 Russian Revolution creates the first successful, longterm revolutionary state. 1918 End of the First World War. The Habsburg and Ottoman empires collapse; maps of Europe and the Middle East are redrawn. 1939 Outbreak of Second World War: 50 million die worldwide from 1939-45 in the world's largest and most deadly conflict, which ends the long age of imperialisms. 1945 End of Second World War; when the first nuclear bomb is detonated, mankind develops the means to destroy itself.

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15y ago
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15y ago

The Berlin Airlift; the Cold war; the Korean War; French Indo China; Vietnam; the decline of Britain as an Emipe power;The establishment of the Coommonwealth; the EEC; the emergence of the third world into economics; Nuclear power & the idea of nuclear war; Terrorism; the emergence of women into positions of power; Womens rights; African Nationalism; the rise of Islam; the attack on the WTC; the Gulf War; Regime change in Iraq; The War in Afghanistan; The rising cost of Energy; I am sure there are other events I have missed & yes, it's a personal view......

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15y ago

HOPE THIS HELPS · Sinking of the Titanic, Balkan wars, 1912. · Electric refrigerator, first moving assembly line created by Ford, 19132. · assassination of Franz Ferdinand, of Austria-Hungry, World War I, 1914 · First Zeppelin bombings of England, 1915. · Easter uprising in Ireland, 1916 · Tsar overthrown, U.S. enters the War, 1917. · Kaiser forced to Abdicate, WW1 ceasefire, partial women's suffrage (UK), 1918. · Treaty of Versailles, official end of war, 1919. · Prohibition began in the U.S., U.S. women get the vote. 1920. · Women's over 21 suffrage (UK), partial Irish independence, 1921 · Irish Free State, Mussolini ceases power in Italy, 1922. · Munich Beer Hall Putsch, 1923. · General UK strike, 1926 · TV invented, Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic, 1927. · U.S. Stock Market crash (Wall Street Crash), 1929. · Flash bulb for photography introduced, 1930. · Empire State Building opened, 1931. · Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, Dachau prison camp open for business, Roosevelt's "New Deal" program, End of U.S. prohibition, Hoover dam completed, Boeing 247 flies, DC-1 flies, 1933. · King of Yugoslavia assassinated, 1934. · Hitler rejects Treaty of Versailles, U.S. Social Security act created, 1935. · Italy invades Ethiopia, Spanish Civil War, Oil discovered in Saudi Arabia, Edward VIII abdicates for the woman he loves, 1936. · U.S. B-17 flies, Zeppelin Hindenburg destroyed, Amelia Airhart lost, German-Italy pact, 1937. · Anschluss with Austria, die Krystallnacht in Germany, 1938. · Pan Am begins passenger air service across the Atlantic, pesticide DDT introduced, Germans test the world's first jet airplane, Germany invades Poland, two days later Great Britain and France declare war on Germany, 1939. · Dunkirk evacuated, Paris falls to Germans, Battle of Britain begins, first Xerox machine to make copies introduced, 1940. · Lend-Lease for Britain, Beveridge Report (foundation of the modern welfare state, NHS etc ) for Britain, German Battleship Bismarck sank, Germany invades Russia, Japanese attack Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, penicillin brought out for use in humans, 1941. · German troops reach Stalingrad, Japanese Americans interned by U.S. government, first nuclear chain reaction, 1942. · Casablanca Conference, Germans surrender at Stalingrad, daylight bombing of Germany, 1943. · Russians cross Polish border, Rome taken by Allies, D-Day, Paris liberated, Philippines liberated, first B-29 raids on Japan, Battle of the Bulge, 1944. · Auschwitz liberated, Yalta Conference, terrible fire-bombing of Dresden, U.S. forces land on Iwo Jima, U.S. forces cross the Rhine, Germany surrenders, Potsdam Conference, Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan surrenders, 1945.

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10y ago

Starting in 1898 there was a Spanish-American war. This time period was the years that Carl Sandburg lived and he served eight months in Puerto-Rico. So yes something happend.

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14y ago

I would like to know happened in the 1800's? I have notice that a lot of people died in that time frame.vvnmvnbjjkjgfjbfdgfgffgfgfgfghfgff!#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@

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11y ago

I honestly am trying to find the same information

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11y ago

Great depression, World War 2, The atomic bomb, the Holocaust, The New Deal, and Hiroshima

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