

What wild plants do pet rabbits eat?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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Romaine lettuce and cilantro are two plants that rabbits eat. See the related question linked below for more plants that rabbits eat.

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Q: What wild plants do pet rabbits eat?
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What pet rabbits eat?

What do Rabbits Eat in the Wild? In the wild rabbits eat: Weeds, grass, plants, clover and even wildflowers, during the summer Twigs, bark, pine needles, buds, and green grass or plants they can find, during the winter

Do wild baby cottontail rabbits grow slower as a pet and faster in the wild?

it all depends on how much they eat.

What do cottentail rabbits eat?

Wild cottontail rabbits eat mostly grass and other edible plants, they will also eat seeds and occasional berries. They obtain water by waking early in the morning and sipping the dew off the grass they eat. Pet rabbits will eat 80% hay/pellets, 10% fruit, and 10% vegetables.

Where do rabbits get their food from?

most of the time the rabbits eat farmer's crops or home owners garden. basically all edible plants. If it is a wild rabbit it'll eat any sort of vegetation, mostly from a farmer's crop or forest plants. If it is a pet rabbit, it'll get it's food from a human.

Is lavender lethal to rabbits?

There is some disagreement on this question: No. Yes, the wild rabbits definitely do eat lavender plants and even dig up and eat the roots too. So far 50/100 eaten to death. No, but wild rabbits do. The rabbits that eat it can eat to death. Yes, pet rabbits can eat lavender plants! The flowers are good as a treat; the green parts can be included in the daily "salad." Lavender is not included on the list of known poisonous plants (see link below) and is widely recommended for bunnies. See the related question below for more information about a healthy rabbit diet.

Where are all pet rabbits descened from?

wild european rabbits

Are sedums toxic to rabbits?

Sedum is not listed on Poisonous Plants for Rabbits (link below), but in gardening circles it's widely reputed that wild rabbits don't often eat it. So, it may not be toxic, but I don't think you should give any to your pet rabbit.

Do goats eat lavender?

rabbits, they can eat some lavender leaves

Do rabbits eats grass?

Wild rabbits do eat grass they also eat plants and berries as a treat! PET RABBITS eat dried grass -- hay. Hay has a lot more fibre than fresh grass, so it's better than fresh grass for pet rabbits. Pet rabbit can also get parasites from fresh grass, so it's best not to feed it to them. Pet rabbits get their fresh nutrients from other plants -- dark-coloured greens like lettuces (like Romaine), weeds (like dandelion), herbs (like basil), and root vegetable tops (like carrot greens).Umm well yes rabbits do eat grass they also eat mostly all kinds of veggiesanswered by Jessica Love

In some places rabbits are regarded as pests what does this mean?

Wild rabbits eat plants, including those that people are trying to grow.

How long do male rabbits live?

Male pet rabbits live as long as female pet rabbits: 10 to 12 years or more. Wild rabbits have a shorter lifespan, because predators catch and eat them; they live about 2 years (males and females).

Do rabbits eat bees?

I should think not. Defiantly don't try it!! Maybe if it was bought from a pet shop as a treat. But not a wild one from your garden!