

What will be the noun of born?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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The word 'born' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to bear. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.

The word bear is also a noun as a word for a large mammal.

The noun forms of the verb to bear are bearerand the gerund, bearing (bearings).

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No, the word 'born' is a verb, the past participle of the verb to bear.Examples:My grandparents were born in London.His responsibilities are born without complaint.The noun forms of the verb to bear are bearer and the gerund, bearing.

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The word 'born' is a verb: bear, bears, bearing, bore, born (or borne).The past participle of the verb (born) also functions as an adjective.The noun form of the verb to bear is the gerund, bearing.The noun 'bearing' is an abstract noun as a word for someone's manner of standing or moving; the relation or relevance of one thing to another; a word for a concept.The noun 'bearing' is a concrete noun as a word for a part of a machine that reduces friction between moving parts (ball bearing).

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Is bear a noun?

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'né' if it's referring to a male or masculine noun. 'née' if it's referring to a female or feminine noun.

What part of speech is the word born?

The word born is a noun. It can also be a verb in reference to giving birth.

What noun is formed from verb born?

The word 'born' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to bear. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective (a born athlete).The noun forms of the verb to bear are bearer and the gerunds, bearing and bearings.

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