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A disease that occurs when very fine silica dust is inhaled. 19 syllables.

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Q: What word has the most amount of syllables in it?
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Related questions

How many syllables does amount have?

The word amount has two syllables.

How many syllables are in the word amount?

There are two syllables. A-mount.

How many syllables are in the word abating?

your mom is the amount of syllables in Abate i joke there are 2 syllables in Abate

What is the maximum amount of syllables a word can have?

There is no limit.

How many syllables does the word almost have?

The word almost has two syllables. Al-most.

How many syllables are in the word scratch?

1. when you want to find syllables, try saying the word slowly and it should be divided into parts. those are the syllables. or try saying the word, and the amount of times you move your chin, means how many syllables there are.

How many syllables does the word sharpener have?

"sharpener" has 3 syllables. "to sharpen" is an easy step to finding the amount of syllables. 'sharpen" has 2 syllables, which means "sharpener" has 3.

What is the word that has the most syllables?


How many syllables does customer have?

The word customer has a total of 3 syllables. The number of syllables in a word is determined by sounding out each part of the word. Most words have between 2 and 4 syllables.

What is a word with the most syllables?

The word with the most syllables is 'antidisestablishmentarianism', which means someone doesn't want a church built. This of course may change.

What is a one word book title with the most syllables in it?

The book found with the most syllables for a one word title is Anonymity which has five syllables. The book was written by Amber Lea Easton. Another one word book title with five syllables is Metamorphoses by Ovid.

How many syllables does the word most have?

One.The word most only has one syllable.