

What working to ge ther makes red blood cells?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What working to ge ther makes red blood cells?
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In any given 3mm blood what is the approximate ratio of the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) to white blood cells (Leukocytes)?

Ther are equal numbers of red and white

What is the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood?

About 1 4th of an percentage .That is because blood cells are very very small and ther is about a 86.731.658.790 in blood cells in an average human body and every second one is dying and one is being born

In any given 3mm of blood what is the approximate ratio of the number of red blood cells erythrocytes to white blood cells leukocytes?

Blood cells are predominantly red cells. They outnumber the white cells by a factor of 1000:1 to 2000:1 in normal humans. The composition of blood is 55% plasma and 45% formed elements. The formed elements are mostly red blood cells, which make up 44% of total blood volume. The remaining 1% consists of white blood cells and platelets. Appx. 700:1 Blood consists of formed elements (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) and plasma. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) account for 99.9% of cells. Plasma 55%, and Cells 45%.

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yes they are. when there is anemia ther is a lack of oxygenated blood going to the cells, so the heart has to work harder to push the diminished amounts of blood, thus causing tiredness and shortness of breath

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No ther is no such thing as a half blood hill!

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What happens during a heart attack and what is the effect of a heart attack on heart cells?

In a heart attack, the arteries are clogged up, and the heart cannot get blood circulation. It starts when a nick is created in the arteries. Floating LDL (bad cholesterol) binds up onto the nick, and white blood cells detect the bump, and responds by "eating" the LDL. However, the white blood cells get stuck ther that makes it grow even larger. Soon, the plaque ruptures, and it floats down the bloodstream. It settles in a different location, where it is blocking the bloodstream. If it settles in a critical location, then a heart attack ensues. A heart attack causes the heart to not be able to circulate blood. Without blood, people die. The best thing to do is to get more HDL (good cholesterol). It acts as a remover of excess LDL. You also can lower high blood pressure, if you have it.

Where do you get each of the reactants for respiration from?

Respiration means breathing, which is not exactly a chemical reaction, although it does involve oxygen (from ther air) attaching itself to hemoglobin (in red blood cells). Perhaps you are thinking of something else, such as cellular metabolism.