

What worm species are there?

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Q: What worm species are there?
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How many species of worm exsits?

there are actually 35,000 species.

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How many fire worm species are?

50 million

What species is Loje Nella?

Tatooinian cliffborer worm.

What species is an example of phylum nemertea?

The ribbon worm is an example of a species in the phylum Nemertea. These worms are known for their long, ribbon-like bodies and are found in marine environments worldwide.

Why are there so many parasitic worm infections worldwide?

I think it's because of all the different types of species of worms like the garden worm, the spider worm and the cacoon worm

What is the scientific name of acorn worm?

depends on which species you are talking about - there are about 30 different "species" of Acorn worm and all are under the class hemichordata. -one of these Acorn worm is the Balanoglossus sp., the common representative organism under phylum hemichordata.

What is a flat worm?

A flatworm is an unsegmented worm that lives in water or shaded areas. Over half of the species is known as parasitic.

What is the Genus and Species name of the parasite commonly known as whip worm?

The genus is Trichuris and the species is Trichuris trichiura.

What type of animal is a glow worm?

Glowworms are the larvae, or sometimes wingless adult females (of certain species), of beetles known as fireflies or lightening bugs. There are more than 1000 species, but all are from the family Lampyradae.