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Depends on the vet. A lot of vets will refuse to spay a cat in heat due to the increased risk of excessive bleeding, but many vets will perform the procedure regardless of whether a cat was in heat or not.

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Q: What would a prominent veterinarian say about spaying a cat in heat?
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Is spaying a cat in heat a guaranteed?

A guaranteed what?

Are there shots for dogs so they won't get in heat?

Yes, these drugs must be given by a veterinarian. A more permanent solution is spaying which also eliminates the risk of mammary tumours and life-threatening womb infections.

Does spaying a dog affect her heat cycle?

Yes, when you spay your dog, she can no longer go into heat.

Does spaying stop heat?

Yes, spaying also prevents unwanted litters and life-threatening problems such as womb infections and mammary tumours.

Can dogs go into heat after they're fixed?

No, spaying eliminates with 100% the likeliness of heats.

Can a dog in heat be spayed?

No, most veterinarians will not agree to spay a female whilst she is in heat. Wait until she has finished her heat cycle before spaying.

Does girl dogs still on heat when neuter?

No, spaying eliminates heats and is permanent. A spayed dog will never go on heat again.

What tipe of dog has their period for 1 week?

Dogs don't have periods like humans do. They come into heat approximately every 6 months, that is when they ovulate and can become pregnant. The heat cycle lasts about 3 weeks. There is normally some light bleeding at first. Spaying your dog would be the best thing for her. She will live a longer life as you will be cutting down her risks for mammary tumors, uterine infections, perianal tumors, etc. Set up an appointment with your Veterinarian to spay her, when she is out of heat.

How do you get a cat out of heat without going to a veterinarian?

You can't. A cat will continue to come into to heat until it is mated (then will be back in season as soon as the kittens are weaned) or spayed. Due to the greatly reduced risk of many health problems such as cancer in a spayed animal (not to mention spraying around the house and desperately trying to escape outside), spaying a cat is highly recommended.

My cat was just spayed and is still in heat... If a cat is spayed during heat cycle will the heat cycle continue?

cats still have hormones even after spaying but heat should stop soon

Does getting a cat fixed stop heat?

Yes, spaying a female cat will stop her coming into heat, as the procedure involves the removal of the entire reproductive organs.

What if your dog is fixed but still bleeds?

take/call the vet because I doubt that is normal when we got our dog fixed she didn't do that.