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it would definitely limit the earths Natural Resources and increase global warming.that is as more fuel is burned more carbon dioxide is released in to the earths atmosphere,which is a green house gas which exceeds global warming

it would definitely limit the earths natural resources and increase global warming.that is as more fuel is burned more carbon dioxide is released in to the earths atmosphere,which is a green house gas which exceeds global warming

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Q: What would happen if you burned more fossil fuels?
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What is the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that can be burned to get energy. The Greenhouse Effect is, in part, the result of burning fossil fuels. In this example, fossil fuels would be a causative agent that creates an effect on the environment, specifically, the Earth's atmosphere.

What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

Can dead birds cause burning fossil fuels?

No. Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum result due to the carbonization process that occurs during the "fossilization" of trees and plant matter. The meat of a dead bird would not produce any fossil fuels. The death and decomposition of a bird will release greenhouse gasses, just like fossil fuels do when burned for energy, but this does not make the bird a fossil fuel since there is no fuel (for human use) derived from this activity.

What effect do you think reducing the amounts of fossil fuels that are burned would have on acid rain and global warming?

reducing the amounts of fossil fuels is a good thing and it will help slow down the progress of global warming. Acid rain will not happen as much as it does now. But if we stop using fossil fuels and stop releasing greenhouse gases into the air. We could stop acid rain and global warming altogether. In conclusion, the more you reduce, the less acid rain and global warming.

How would fossil fuels change in the future?

The fossil fuels will become extinct in some years.There is no future of fossil fuels.That is why there is so much research going on the alternate fuels.

What could happen to the US economy if the price of fossil fuels rose dramatically?

the cost of products would increase significantly

What would happen if there were no fossil fuels?

We will have to use renewable energy like solar, wind and geothermal power and continue to use nuclear power. We also must use electric or hydrogen cars because without fossil fuels we will not have gasoline.Life would be different.

How do fossils change the Earth's surface?

well im not very sure my self but it would have something to do with fossil fuels

Would fossil fuels work in Tennessee?


What happens to the earth's atmosphere as more fossil fuels are burned?

The earth's atmosphere becomes warmer (global warming) because burning fossil fuels releases long-hidden carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the warm earth that would otherwise be lost in space.

What would happen if humans stopped burning fossil fuels?

Global Warming might decrease but people would die all over the planet unable to gain the benefits provided by the use of fossil fuels (Mainly cheap power and low cost transportation of goods) and the results such a change would have on the world's economy.

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.