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well if the great barrier reef died then many of the fish would die to because the fish would not have food because the tropical fish mostly eat the reef and the other fish would die.


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12y ago

I'm not so sure if this is true, but if the great barrier reef died, then a species of fish could become endangered or even extinct. also Australia would lose, probably one of the most unique things about it!

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12y ago

Lots of sea animals will die whitch will distrub the food cycle. The Earth will be outta control.

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12y ago

The food web would disappear because fish need the coral and without the coral the fish would die, and no fish means no whales.

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Q: What would happen if all the coral reefs died?
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How would biodiversity be affected if coral died?

Coral reefs are often home to animals which can only live in coral reefs. As coral reefs across the world begin to die off, so do many animals. Examples include simple shrimp and cleaner wrasses which feed on the algae and plant matters which grow on the coral. Animals which eat these smaller bottomfeeders will then start to suffer as many of them cannot move into colder water regions.

What other marine animals would die if coral reefs died?

Almost every shallow-sea animal would suffer. Most would die too, but other, more hardy animals would be able to evolve quick enough to survive.

If a tropical coral reef died was that a physical change?

While life and death are believed by some to be ultimately spiritual in nature rather than physical, and we might imagine that when a coral reef dies, the soul of the reef wafts gently to heaven, it is still true that death is accompanied by physical changes of various sorts. In the case of coral reefs, the mineral component remains but the polyps who secreted that mineral component can die. Loss of polyps would constitute a physical change.

When did Coral Buttsworth die?

Coral Buttsworth died in 1985.

When did Coral Lansbury die?

Coral Lansbury died in 1991.

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I would cry :'(

What would happen if everybody who got the black death died?

they would have died sadly

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It would decompose

What would happen if the whole royal family died?

That Wont Happen :P

What is the Great Barrier Reef made of?

The Great Barrier Reef was built by natural means, with years and years of living coral building upon the skeletons of other coral, but in conjunction with a particular type of algae. The corals that build reefs are not single animals. Coral is made up of colonies comprised of many individual animals called polyps, which join together. Coral polyps are a little like sea anemones, having tentacles that extend outwards, but they are not actually anemones. Corals which create coral reefs have a symbiotic relationship with algae known as zooxanthellae. This algae, which lives within the tissues of the coral, causes a photosynthetic reaction which enables the polyps to make skeletons about three times faster in the light than in the dark. This means the corals deposit skeletons faster than the environment can remove it, and these skeletons build upon each other over time, creating a coral reef.

What rock began as coral?

well coral is a plant but if the plant died and hardened then it is a plant fossil