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If a plant did not have stomata on the bottom of its leaves, water and oxygen leaving the plant would not be regulated.

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12y ago

There would not be any evaporation into the atmosphere because stomata is the process of evaporating the water that comes from the veins

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Q: What do you think would happen if a plant had no stomata?
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What would happen if a plant lacks stomata?

Water could not pass through it and it could not function.

What would happen to plant if its stomata stayed open all the time?

It would dehydrate because it would transpire too much.

What would happen what would happen if rita coated the leaves of her money plant with oil?

By coating the leaves of a money plant with will make these more shiny but it will harm the plant as oily coat will not facilitate exchange of air to and fro stomata.

What would happen if the stomata were smaller?

If the stomata were smaller then CO2 would diffuse into the cell less rapidly.

Why would the stomata be in particular be effected if a plant is not watered?

as the stomata is responsible in gas exchange, and it constantly looses water through it the stomata would die out

What would probably happen to a plant that kept its stomata open all the time?

if the stomata was clogged it wouldn't get the gases to go through photosynthesis and therefore die

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duckweeds does not have stem but only roots.

What structure would control the exchange of these gases in a plant?


What will happen if there are too many stomata on the top of the leaf?

Stomata are a plants way of exchanging gasses in photosynthesis. The stomata also are resoponsible for transpiration. Most plants have stomata on the under side of the leaf in order to prevent too much water loss. There already is a lot of stomata in leaves but I think you mean to ask "What would happen if the stomata were open all the time?" this would result in mass water loss and cause a plant to wilt.Edited answer:Large number of stomata will increase porocity of the leaves and will facilitate better gaseous exchange and more transpiration.

What would happen to a plant if its leaves were covered with a layer of waterproof petroleum jelly?

They would die because the stomata would no longer be able to open to the outside world, and respiration would be impossible

What will happen if plants leaf are devoid of any stomata?

CO2 would have a very difficult time entering the plant and the plant could not make food or construction materials as all sugars made by the plant are based on the carbon in carbon dioxide.

What will happen if stomata were kept open all the time?

The leaves would dry out