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Aristotle did not invent the telescope; he lived roughly 2000 years before the telescope was invented.

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Q: What year did Aristotle invent the telescope?
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What influence did Aristotle have on space exploration?

He helped invent a telescope ;)

What year did Galileo galilei invent the practical telescope?

He improved on the existing telescope around 1609

Who made up telescopes?

Hans Lippershey invented the telescope in the year 1608. GALILEO DID NOT INVENT THE TELESCOPE!!!!!!!! :)

What year did Isaac Newton invent the first reflecting telescope?

He Built the first relfecting telescope in 1672!!

Why did Isaac Newton invent the telescope?

Newton did not invent the telescope, he invented the reflecting telescope. The reflecting telescope was a major improvement over the distorting refracting telescope.

What year did Aristotle create the first scientific method?

Aristotle is remembered as a natural philosopher rather than as a scientist, and he did not invent the scientific method.

What did Galileo rely on that Aristotle did not?

His telescope

Did Aristotle use a telescope to see in the universe?

No. Aristotle died roughly 1,800 years before the first telescope was ever built.

What kind of telescope did Galileo invent?

Refracting telescope

What did Aristotle invent and when?

Aristotle invented/descovered that the earth was not flat :p

What did galieo invent?


Who acutally invented the telescope?

Galileo helped to invent the telescope.