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Q: What year did Dolly Madison serve ice cream at the inaugural ball for her husband?
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What presidents wife made ice cream popular?

Dolly Madison, James Madison's wife, popularized ice cream by serving it at the White House in 1813. for her husband's inaugural banquet. James Madison was president from 1809 to 1817..

What year did Dolley Madison serve ice cream at the inaugural ball of her husband?

On March 4,1813 at Madison second inaugural ball, ice cream was served.

Who is the inventor vanilla ice cream?

Dolly Madison

What was Dolly Madison's favorite food?

weight watchers ice cream

What is a weird fact about dolly Madison?

she was the first person to serve ice cream in the white house

What is dolly Madison famous for?

she saved the paintings in the white house when the bridish burned it, and she was the hostess of of the united states when thomas Jefferson was presidant

What year did dolley Madison serve ice cream at the inaugral ball of her husband?


Who were John Adams' closest friends?

Thomas JeffersonAnswerHas to be Dolly Madison, wouldn't your best friend be a person who made her own ice cream.

When was icecream first invented?

It was invented when the time James Madison was married to Dolly Madison. Dolly Madison invented the first two flavors of ice cream. James was fond for clams and Dolly was fond of tomatoes. The first two flavors were tomato and clam ice cream.Pretty nasty, huh? It's all true and it's not chocolate or etc.

Which American first lady was associated with ice cream?

Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, was reputed to have popularized ice cream.

Who is singing I see your true colors in Edy's ice cream commercial?

Dolly Parton?

Who is singing I see your true colors in the edy's ice cream commercial?

Dolly Parton?