

What year did Rosalind Franklin discover the helix?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What year did Rosalind Franklin discover the helix?
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What year did rosalind Franklin discover DNA?

Rosalind Franklin did not discover DNA. DNA was discovered long before she photographed the images via X-ray crystallography. With the help of these images, Watson and Crick were able to figure out the structure of the nucleic acid in 1953. Watson and Crick did not discover DNA either; they developed the concept of the "double helix," which was accepted as the structure of DNA.

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Rosalind Franklin died on April 16, 1958 at the age of 37.

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In 1938, Rosalind Franklin attended Newnham College, Cambridge in London. She was only awarded a degree titular, as women were not entitled to degrees from Cambridge at the time. In 1945, Franklin received her PhD from Cambridge University.

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There is debate and controversy about who actually discovered the double helix. The two who made the report of the discovery was James Watson and Francis Crick. But their work was believed to be only possible through the discoveries by others, such as Raymond Gosling, Alexander Strokes and Herbert Wilson.

How Did Rosalind Franklin change the world?

Because of her work in genetics and DNA. She discovered the first ever picture of DNA using x-ray diffraction. Using this picture, she was able to find that it was a double-helix structure. Watson and Crick stole her idea, because female scientists were looked down at in those times and nobody cared, and created the double-helix model and got all of the credit. also because this is stupid mwahahaha

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