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Samuel Slater brought the factory system to America in 1789.

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Q: What year did Samuel Slater invent the cotton mill?
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When did Samuel slater invent the cotton mill?


Where did Samuel slater build the cotton mill?

on a river

What did the Samuel slater mill do?

they turned bails of cotton into cotton cloth

Who invented first cotton spinning mill in US?

samuel slater

Why did Samuel slater invented the spinning mill?

then we can use cotton without a whole bunch of work

How did Samuel Slater's invention effect the economy?

Samuel Slater is considered the father of American manufactures. He was able to create the first cotton spinning mill. Since many factory jobs were created from Samuel Slater's invention, the economy rose.

Who invented the power loom and spinning frame?

no he invented the cotton mill not the power and spinning frame

What did Samuel slater do?

Samuel Slater was an apprentice of Richard Arkwright, the inventor of the cotton mill in England during the New Nation era. He traveled to Rhode Island after serving his apprenticeship and constructed a cotton mill from memory. This started the industrial revolution, as goods could now be manufactured and mass-produced without skilled labor.

Why did Samuel slater first invented the spinning mill?

Samuel Slater did not invent the spinning mill. He escaped from Britain after learning the secrets (They wouldn't let anyone knowing the machine well leave the country). He went to Rhode Island and pretty much gave birth to the industrial Revolution.

Who developed a british-style spinning mill?

Samuel Slater was a British mechanic. He developed the British style spinning mill. The mill was a great financial success in 1790.

Who was credited for building the first American factory in 1793?

The textile industry was the first fully developed factory. It was developed by Samuel Slater. He developed a mill named Slater mill .

What was the impact on the thread-spinnning mill?

Samuel Slater