

Whats the scale in blues music?

Updated: 1/18/2021
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15y ago

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the notes of the blues scale is as follows bottom c, e flat, f, f sharp, g flat, g, b flat and a Glad to help Maddy Ell.

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Q: Whats the scale in blues music?
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Related questions

Where is the best place to find a blues scale?

The blues scale you may find in the book for Jazz Guitar or blues Piano. You also may find blues scale in the music dictionary of Jazz and Blues or book The Blues scale.

What techniques are used in blues music?

The swing beat is used a lot in blues. Also, this bears a strong resemblance to Folk Music and Asian music because of the repeated use of the pentatonic scale.

How is blues music evident in rock music?

'Blues' is usually referred to either the '12-bar blues' or the 'blues scale'. Both are unique aspects by them self and can be put into a rock beat or a rock melody/accompaniment. Most songs are either rock or blues, the blues is hardly ever evident in rock, but it is normal for rock themes to be in songs based on 'blues music'.

What part does singers play in blues music?

The singer delivers the message lyrically using a melody built upon the blues scale.

What is the origin of blues music?

Blues music originated in the Deep South of America in the African American communities in the late 19th century. It came from work songs, chants, field hollers, and shouts sung by the African-American slaves. The Blues scale (around which much blues music is based) contains a chromatic passing tone between the 4th and the 5th scale tones. This came from African singing, which has a tone between each half tone of Western music.

When did the blues music come about How did the blues music become the blues music?

Know one nows much about the blues music .

What is R and B in music terms?

It stands for rhythm and blues. It is a style of music.

When did the blues music come out?

where did blues music come from?

Why does blues music sound the way it does?

simple answer: because of the instruments and the phrasing of the notes that they play. Blues music uses a special variant of the scales called unsurprisingly "The Blues scale". Which is the minor pentatonic scale plus an extra note. In C major these notes would be; C - Eb - F - Gb - G - Bb - C It is the intervals between these notes that produces a sad emotional response by humans.

Who performers blues music?

Miles Davis performed Blues Music.

Are there any similarities between country and blues music?

Blues is a combination of syncopated rhythm and blues scale. Traditional music uses western scale where as blues can commonly found with blues scales. It comes with flat 3rd, flat 5th, and flat 7th.

What is a blues third in music?

It is a flat 3rd step of the scale. Example: an Eb in the key of C. The 3rd step of the blues key can be either raised or lowered. (E or Eb in the key of C).