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Q: When was the department of defense established?
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The Department of Defense was established in?


In what year was the Department of Defense originally established?


Which president established the department of defense?

Harry S Truman

Where was first computer established?

In the US Defense Department laboratory.

Originally called the war deparment this deparment was established in 1789?

Department of Defense

What government agency established ARPANET?

The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) an arm of the US Department of Defense.

What had its roots in a computer networking system that the US Defense Department's Advanced Research Project Agency established?

The internet has its roots in a computer networking system that was established by the US Defense Department's Advanced Research Project Agency. This led to the development of ARPANET which was the first network to use internet protocol.

Who controls all decisions of the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is run by the Secretary of Defense.

What is the nickname for the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is often referred to as The DOD.

What is the name of the cabinet department that is charge of the US military?

The Department of Defense is in charge of the U.S. military.

What was the original name for the Department of Defense?

What is now called the Department of Defense was originally named the Department of War.

What is the difference between the State Department and the Department of Defense?

The State Department deals with diplomacy while the Department of Defense affiliated with the military.