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Q: When a baby is delevered through the birth canal it is called what birth?
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Related questions

What is the act of giving birth for ferrets called?

As any mammal, female ferrets give birth vaginally through the birth canal

What happens halfway through the birth canal?

Halfway through the birth canal there are contraction that leads to the baby being pushed out.

The mothers body movement propelling the baby from the uterus and through the birth canal is called?


The effort made by the mother's body to move the baby from the uterus and through the birth canal is called?


Do cows give birth through the vagina or the anus?

Cows give birth through the vagina (birth canal).

What do you call the birth canal?

It is called the vagina.

Do kittens come out through the butt?

No. They come out through the mom's birth canal.

How do girls give birth?

Infants exit through the birth canal (vagina).

Also know as the birth canal?

The vagina is also known as the birth canal.

A canal leading through a bone is called a?

Volkman's canal

How do chimpanzees have live birth?

They give birth through the birth canal in the vagina just like humans do.

When a cow gives birth is it through its anus?

No. Cows give birth through the VAGINA, not the anus. ALL mammals give birth through the vagina or birth canal, NEVER THE ANUS.