

Best Answer

There are two equally defendable schools of thought on this issue. I've met advocates for both.

1) You should preserve the "Mr. & Mrs." order ... so Peter and Jane Smith

2) You should not break up his name "Peter Smith" ... so Jane and Peter Smith

ALSO ... While many program editors do edit names so the printed list is consistent, others choose to present the names as submitted deciding it is more respectful to write names as submitted rather than rewrite them for the sake of a list.

The latter sacrifices a consistent list by mixing "Jane and Peter Smith" with "John and Mary Wilson" with "Mrs. and Mrs. Alex Johnson" with "The Watson Family"

Ultimately what is the most important? Different editors decide differently.

RH - The Protocol School of Washington

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Q: When a couple give a donation to a charity should their names be listed s Jane and Peter Smith or Peter and Jane Smith?
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There are several things to consider before donating an automobile to charity. One should always remember to get some sort of proof of the donation such as a receipt for tax purposes. If one wishes to get the highest possible tax deduction for their donation, then one should make sure that the charity accepting the automobile will be using it or giving to it somebody who will be using it.

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A charity credit card gives a small percentage to a charity whenever it is used. This allows for easy donation. Different cards give a different percentage to charity, so one should examine different rates before applying for one.

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To donate a vehicle to charity, one should visit webpage donation sites such as 'Give A Car'. Alternatively, one could try other charities such as Oxfam to donate vehicles.

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How To Make a Vehicle Donation Worry-Free?

A charitable vehicle donation can offer transportation to a needy recipient while allowing the donor to receive a tax break. Donating a vehicle can present some special circumstances that donors should be aware of. People interested in a vehicle donation should take special care when selecting a charity, donating the vehicle, and dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Donors should never use a middleman when looking to donate their vehicle. An intermediary organization will typically take between fifty and ninety percent of the vehicle’s value, leaving little for the actual charity. Intermediaries may keep too much of the donation’s value and leave the donation ineligible for a tax deduction. A charity accepting any kind of vehicle donation should have a good reputation with the Better Business Bureau and be approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. When donating the vehicle, donors should do the dropping off of the vehicle. Charities often do not have the manpower or equipment to haul vehicles (especially boats, trailers, or large trucks) themselves. Ask for a receipt from the charity. Make certain to re-title the vehicle in the name of the charity and contact the department of motor vehicles about the change in ownership. Otherwise, the person buying the donation may be able to run up tickets and driving offenses and blame the original owner. The paperwork space for ownership on the donation papers and receipt should never be left empty. The IRS will want to see the charity’s receipt if the donated vehicle is worth more than five hundred dollars. An IRS form 8283 and an outside appraisal of the vehicle may also be required, depending on the value of the donation. A copy of the title change will be helpful and possibly necessary as well. Donors should keep thorough documentation throughout the donation process to save time when dealing with the IRS. With a few careful precautions, vehicle donors can give away working transportation to a person in need. Simple steps can make a donation easy and painless for both the charity and the donor. Donate with care and a tax deduction will soon be on its way.