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What does the brochure or policy Evidence of Coverage for the secondary policy say?

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Q: When a primary insurance only covers 50 percent what would secondary insurance cover?
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Does secondary private insurance pay what primary private insurance will not pay?

Yes, if the secondary insurance plan covers it In the pharmacy (drugs) world of primary and secondary coverage, this is true.

How do you determine primary and secondary coverage for an adult patient covered by two full benefit polices?

Check this page for the answer primary policy will be medicare&secondary will bethe patient's commercial insurance medicare covers all.the remaining which is not allowable wiill be covered by secondary

If you have an accident driving your friends car who insurance covers?

typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........

What type of insurance does Primary Insurance offer?

Primary Insurance offers many types of insurances. Their most popular insurance voted by customers is the health benefits. This benefits covers a person from their head to their tip toes.

If you have the same insurance for your primary and secondary can you still end up with a balance you owe?

Having the same insurance company twice, as a primary and secondary, means you are paying twice for the same insurance policy. They probably will not cover the same thing twice, or they may treat it as two different policies and may treat it that way. If they were two different policies, The primary would deal with any deductible and copay before fulfilling its contractual obligation and so would the secondary policy depending on the wording of the contract. Unless there is no deductible and copay, or if one policy covers the deductible/copy of the other, there will still be a balance you owe. There is also the situation where your medical provider will not accept or fully participate in your insurance policy, in which case you may owe the difference between the doctors bling amount and what was paid by the insurance(s).

Can you be on two health insurance plans?

Yes, one will pay primary and one will pay secondary. Secondary: a policy that pays the provider's leftover medical bills. Some might still exclude the payment toward bills assigned to meet the primary policy's deductibles or copayments so you have to ask. This happens for instance if a husband or wife covers their spouse on their insurance but he/she also participates in their employer's plan. The spouse's coverage would pay the bills after their own medical plan paid.

What does secondary insurance pay?

Secondary: a policy that pays the provider's leftover medical bills. Some might still exclude the payment toward bills assigned to meet the primary policy's deductibles or copayments so you have to ask. This happens for instance if a husband or wife covers their spouse on their insurance but he/she also participates in their employer's plan. The spouse's coverage would pay the bills after their own medical plan paid.

Do you have to pay the medicare deductible if they are paying secondary to a primary insurance carrier?

This is directly from the Medicare and You 2009 Book: When you have other insurance, there are rules that decide whether Medicare or your other insurance pays first. The insurance that pays first is called the "primary payer" and pays up to the limits of its coverage. The one that pays second, called the "secondary payer," only pays if it covers any of the costs left uncovered by the primary coverage. If you have other insurance, tell your doctor, hospital, and pharmacy so your bills get paid correctly. If you have questions about who pays first, or you need to update your other insurance information, call Medicare's Coordination of Benefits Contractor at 1-800-999-1118. TTY users should call 1-800-318-8782. You can view the details here:

Anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures?

This is referred to as contingency insurance, whereby a secondary insurance cover is taken to protect an insured in case the primary insurance cover taken by another party does not respond to the loss for one reason or another. It is also an insurance policy that covers several remote risks, and is bought generally where legal remedies to a loss are slow, uncertain, or non-existent.

What are some benefits of having a premier insurance?

The benefits of an insurance are: 1. The insurance covers accidents 2. The insurance covers medical needs. 3. The insurance covers thefts. 4. The insurance covers a lot of other things and it can save you money.

What percentage of my son's bill for braces can I expect dental insurance to cover?

It depends on how high the insurance covers. Because each insurance plans vary in detail, it can cover from 10 to 100 percent.

What type of auto insurance covers the driver no matter what vehicle they are driving?

There is no Such Auto Insurance Policy. You would need a Primary Auto Insurance Policy on your own Vehicle and then an attached Umbrella Policy on top of it in order to get close to this.