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If it was previously moving and suddenly stops moving you may want to check. If you start bleeding profusely, see your doctor. The only way to check for sure is to see your doctor and have him do an ultrasound to see if the baby's heart is beating.

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Q: When a woman is pregnant what are some signs that the baby may have died?
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Whats the longest pregnancy in the world?

For a baby that ended up living it was 375 days, for a baby that had died in the womb and was calcified would be a woman who got pregnant, the baby had died inside her and it was in her and she left it inside for about 46 years than it was removed by doctors.

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No,that means either the baby has died,or you are not pregnant...

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If people had to absolutely know for sure before the woman shows signs, they would inject rabbits and rats with the woman's urine. If the animal goes into heat, then she is pregnant. Rabbits usually died anyway from the urine injections, and they used to use a phrase 'the rabbit died' to inform people they were pregnant. But most of the time, women were just patient to wait and see; the periods stop, belly/hips getting bigger, morning sickness.... the basic signs are the indicator that was used for centuries.

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Yes, and the baby she was pregnant with died.

What aerosmith song has the lyric the rabbit done died?

It means you got a woman pregnant

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She was a woman who was dying hundreds of years ago. She was turned by the Master and then she turned Angel. She died in 1997, killed by Angel; but was ressurrected in 2000 by Wolfram & Hart. She fell pregnant with Angel's baby and ended up killing herself to save her baby.

I am 16 weeks pregnant and dont feel pregnant I havnt had any morning sickness nor sore breasts or any other symptomDo you think my baby is ok would I be bleeding if my baby had died?

the best thing for u to do is to have an ultrasound done... but every pregnancy is different some woman have the full out morning sickness, tinderbreast, pregnancy symptoms... while other woman like myself didn't have one symptom and didn't even feel my baby move until the daybefore i gave birth... goodluck

If a blonde man and a blonde woman both died their hair permenantally black then the woman became pregnant and they had a baby together could the child have black hair because of the hair die?

You aren't serious are you, the hair grows back out their natural color, and the babies hair color is determined by the persons genes not their hair dye. So, in conclusion, if you said that the baby's parents originally had blonde hair, it means that the baby will more than likely be blonde.

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He died in a car crash before the baby was born

What does it mean to have a dead rabbit in your bedroom?

It could be a way for a woman to express that she is pregnant. During the 20's and 30's tests for preganancy involved animals, and a casual way that a woman might express that she was pregnant was to say something like "The rabbit died". It was not a woman's pregnancy itself that caused a rabbit to die, but the rabbit had to be killed so that its ovaries could be examined. If a woman was pregnant, then injections of fluids from the woman into a rabbit would cause the rabbit to ovulate, indicating pregnancy... or do you mean that your pet rabbit died? In that case, never mind...

What is origin of phrase thank your mother for the rabbits?

Years ago, pregnancy tests were performed by injecting rabbits with the woman's urine. In order to see if the woman were pregnant the rabbit had to be killed, and its ovaries examined. Although the rabbit ALWAYS died, it became common for a woman to tell someone she was pregnant by saying "the rabbit died" So, thank you mother for the rabbit means to thank your mother that you are alive.

Can you still be pregnant if your HCG drops from the 800's down to 115?

Sadly a drop in HCG usually means that the baby has died.