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The magnet is losing its magnetic connection to the fridge.

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Q: When adding more paper to a magnet on refrigerator why does it cause the magnet to fall off?
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Aligns the electrons in the same direction

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Well, let's see. If I have a paper clip on a table and a magnet in my hand, and I slowly pass the magnet over the paper clip, the magnet in my hand is pulling the paper clip up with magnetism. If my magnet is close enough to the paper clip, the paper clip will jump up to the magnet ... even though the whole Earth is pulling it down with gravity.

What is the force called that moves paper clips toward a magnet without the magnet touching the paper clips?

A magnetic force.

What does a magnent do to a paper clip?

The paper clip clings to the the magnet

Why the bar magnet attracts the paper clip with more force?

probably because the paper clip weighs less against the magnet