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when I, anonymous x, will throw a missile on your house and kill you and your family and friends

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Q: When can a baby hamster be separated from its mother?
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Can a mother hamster and a baby hamster live together after being separated?

after the baby hamster has been handled for a while sometimes the mother hamster will eat their young so be "careful".

Why do you separate the baby hamster at 3 weeks old?

After the baby hamster is old enough, it no longer needs its mother and starts to become an adult hamster of its own. The hamster needs to be separated to avoid fighting or mating with its mother, or even its father if he resides in the cage still, depending on the sex of the baby hamster.

Can a baby hamster and a mother hamster live together after being separated?

the mother might reconize her baby. but the child will not. it really depeands on how long they have been separated. if the does reconize her baby she might want to protect it by eating it. the baby might want to fight the mother. so it might not be a good idea unless they have seprate cages. from Kennedy age 11

Can a baby hamster be with a big hamster?

No, unless the "big hamster" is the baby's mother. However if you touch the baby hamsters the mother sense your smell and the mother could eat or kill it because of the smell. So don't touch the baby hamsters.

Is it okay to put your hamster with a baby hamster?

Is the adult hamster its birth mother?

What will a mother hamster do if the newborn hamster has a human scent?

it will abandon its baby.

How do you take your baby hamster away from their mother safely with out stressing them out?

You should never, under any circumstances, remove a baby hamster from the mother.

What you need to take care of a abandoned baby hamster?

If the baby hamster was abandoned by its mother, its probably not healthy.

Will the mother hamster eat her baby?

only if they have the scent of another hamster on them or if she does not want them.

Does a mother hamster have to feed their baby?

Yes they do. A mother hamster usually feeds the puppies for two weeks after they are born.

How long should you wait to hold a baby hamster?

Raising Hamster BabiesDo not disturb the litter for at least 14 days. If the nest is disturbed the mother may kill the babies and eat them. If one of the babies gets away from the others, don't worry, the mother will retrieve it. The cage should be cleaned two weeks after birth and the babies should be separated from the mother at 28 days. Also be sure to to separate the Mother and babies from the daddy hamster. The daddy hamster will harm the babies and the mom always needs to be with her babies.{

What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.