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No. At six days after ovulation the embryo has not yet implanted so there is nothing to see and no test can show positive even the most sensitive test will not show until 7-8 days post ovulation. An ultrasound requires that the fetus be large enough to make a blip on the screen; this usually takes 1 month to 6 weeks to be really noticable at abouth the size of a lima bean. At 6 days after ovulation, if you are pregnant, and assuming conception happended within a day or two after ovulation, you're only looking at a mass of cells about the size of the head of a pin. Certainly not hun. A ultrasound can only pick up pregnancy accurately when you are 6-7 weeks along. A blood test can tell if you are pregnant now. See your doctor.

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17y ago
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15y ago

No, an ultrasound will not pick up a pregnancy two days after conception. The baby has not even implanted in the womb at that stage. It will only show if you have recently ovulated and which ovary it was from.

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12y ago

I think you cant know after 4 days cuz it needs 6 to 8 days for implantation to happen after ovulation and therefore till the HCG hormone runs in the blood . That's why ahead of that u cant detect any pregnancy .

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12y ago

No. The egg is only available for one day but you also have to remember that only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day every month so it can be that you ovulate on a different day then you think. If you have sex about 1 weeks before ovulation you can risk pregnancy though since the sperm can live inside you for up to one week.

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15y ago

You can tell you are pregnant through ultrasound as early as 4 weeks with a vaginal ultrasound.

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15y ago

Depends on what stage... why not take a cheap over the counter pregnancy test?

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14y ago

Yes but the dates ar never exact

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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant 6 days from ovulation?
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How possible is it to get pregnant 6 days after your period?

very it up.i think ovulation starts after yr period.guess work

How many days per year does a woman have a chance of becoming pregnant?

In general, there are 5 to 6 fertile days every month (the day of ovulation and the 5 to 6 days before ovulation). So there are 60 to 72 days a year that a woman has a chance of becoming pregnant.

How late after conception is implantation possible to happen?

6-12 days after ovulation

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I am going threw the same thing cramps and nausia .. I get a blood test tomorrow it is only 6 days after ovulation --- YES!

Can I still get pregnant 5 days after I ovulated?

Yes you can. After you ovulate the egg stays fertile for 4-6 days and sperm can live in the uterus 4-6 days. Also it is very hard for many women to know when exactly they ovulate and there are now kits at the drug store to help women determine if they are ovulating or not.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse at your most fertile time but still experienced ovulation-like pains for 4 days?

If you have unprotected sex and have missed your period, you are probably pregnant. Some women feel some cramping when the egg implants into the uterus. If you think you are pregnant, take a home test or go see a doctor.

I planned a pregnancy n calculated my ovulation cycle to assure that I got pregnant but I did not instead I got heavy period 6 days early... Does phentermine affect ovulation n ability to get pregnant?

Yes, Phentermine can and does affect ovulation. It affects women's hormones and can cause you not to ovulate at all which can lead to ovarian cysts.

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its possible u are and possible your not because, your 6 days late but take a pregnancy that's the only way to find out ....

Can you tell if you pregnant 6 dpo?

It's very unlikely, but some women have reported feeling pregnant that early. Symptoms begin after implantation has occured, and implantation have take 6-10 days past ovulation, and sometimes longer.

How long between a girls period?

Generally, it is 28 days, but it can also be longer. On a 28 day cycle right around day 14 ovulation happens and the ovum is viable for a 5-6 days in the uterus, so if you have sex from day 11-20 it is possible you can get pregnant. Sperm can live in the uterus 5-6 days and this has to be taken into account when counting days of a cycle.

If you are 6 days late for your period and took a preg tst and it was neg what is the chance of pregnancy?

If you are certain of your ovulation date, then your chances of being pregnant are likely slim.

Why is it not as easy to get pregnant on your period then when your not on your period?

Ovulation usually happens in the middle of a woman's period (10-15 days after period) and is the period when the woman is fertile. That is why it is highly unlikely that women get pregnant during their period. Pregnancy is most likely if intercourse occurs anywhere from 6 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation, however, this varies and it depends on the length and regularity of a woman's periods and how long the sperm lives after intercourse. To avoid pregnancy it is best to use protection all the time but to get pregnant it is a good idea to buy ovulation-tests. Hope this helps.