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From about 4 million years ago until about 2 million years ago, according to various paleontological and archaeological evidence.

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Australopithecus africanus was created in 1925.

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Q: When was Australopithecus africanus created?
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What part of the world did the Australopithecus Africanus live in?

Australopithecus africanus lived in southern Africa, specifically in areas that are now modern-day countries of South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia.

How do you make a 3D model of australopithecus africanus?

Get a 2D model, and add one dimension.

What about australopithecus africanus?

Australopithecus africanus was an early hominid, an australopithecine, who lived between 2-3 million years ago in thePliocene.[2] In common with the older Australopithecus afarensis,A. africanus was slenderly built, or gracile, and was thought to have been a direct ancestor ofmodern humans. Fossil remains indicate thatA. africanus was significantly more like modern humans than A. afarensis, with a more human-like cranium permitting a largerbrain and more humanoid facial features. A. africanus has been found at only four sites in southern Africa - Taung (1924), Sterkfontein (1935), Makapansgat(1948) and Gladysvale(1992).[1]

What was Autralopithecus robustus?

Australopithecus Robustus is an extinct primate thought to be an ancestor of Homo Sapiens. The name Robustus was given due to the apparently robust cranial characteristics when compared to the previously identified Australopithecus Africanus.

What four hominids developed before the other three in the evolution of humans?

There is 5 different types of Hominids. AUESTRALOPITHECUS AFRENSIS HOMO SAPIEN NETHANDERALES HOMO SAPIEN SAPIENS (WISE MAN) HOMO ERECTUS (UPRIGHT MAN) HOMO HABILIS (HANDY MAN) Also: Sahelanthropis tchadensis Orrorin tugensis ardipithecus anamensis Ardipithicus kadabba Australopithecus anamensis kenyanthropis platyops Australopithecus bahrelghazali Australopithecus africanus Australopithecus garhi Austalopithecus sediba Australopithecus aethiopicus Australopithecus robustis Australopithecus boisei Homo georgicus Homo ergaster Homo antecessor Homo Heidelbergensis Homo Neanderthalensis Homo floresiensis Denisova hominins but there are probably many more, as yet undiscovered

Related questions

What was the Australopithecus's Africanus diet?

The Australopithecus Africanus were Russovores.

Are there more than 4 australopithecus africanus fossils?

Only four fossils of australopithecus africanus have been found, as yet (2012).

Who discovered Australopithecus africanus?

Raymond Dart

In what kind of habitat did the australopithecus africanus live?

The australopithecus lived in a grassland and savanna of Africa

Were australopithecus africanus hunters?

yes. they hunted animals

Where did australopithecus migrate to?

The First Australopithecus to travel long distance was Africanus. Where it was they moved i don't know.

Did Australopithecus africanus look like apes?

very much

What are some facts about Australopithecus boisei?

[] It was 10%larger than Africanus

What species first appeared to walk upright?

Australopithecus africanus

What part of the world did the Australopithecus Africanus live in?

Australopithecus africanus lived in southern Africa, specifically in areas that are now modern-day countries of South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia.

What were the behaviors of australopithecus africanus?

The Australopithecus Africanus, ancestors of modern man, behaved similarly to chimpanzees. They lived on land and in trees and were avid hunters. They were social creatures that nurtured their young and had the ability to quickly adapt to changes in climate and environment.

Similarities between australopithecus robustus and australopithecus boisei?

lived only in East Africa, while A africanus lived only in South Africa.