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Kentucky became the first state to be carved from the great western wilderness on June 1, 1792; during George Washington's presidency. Kentucky was the fifteenth state to be admitted to the Union and Isaac Shelby, a military veteran from Virginia, was elected the first Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

On June 1, 1792, Kentucky became the fifteenth state.
On 1 June 1792, although some would argue that because it is a Commonwealth it never became a state.
AnswerFriday June 1, 1792 Kentucky was named the 15th state of the United States. Correct AnswerKentucky is

a state, however the date is accurate. It was adopted to the United States on 6/1/1792 as a state and later changed into being a Commonwealth, like Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Virginia. It is commonly referred to as a state in generic terminology. However consider the fact that it was admitted to the Union in 1792 as a State. It was the 1850 Constitution that made Kentucky a Commonwealth, and it had already been "a state of the Union" for 58 years when it declared itself to be not a state but a Commonwealth.

It may simply be a matter of semantics, should a US State like California change it's Constitution and declare itself the Ashram of California or the California Commune it would be and remain a US State. Pennsylvania, Massachussetts and Virginia have a legitimate claim to the the title of Commonwealth. Kentucky is more like Constantiople becoming Istanbul or New Amsterdam becoming New York City.

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December 18, 1865, after the ratification of the thirteenth amendment. Kentucky had fought for the Union and so were allowed to keep their slaves until well after the end of the war. Kentucky did not ratify the thirteenth amendment until 1976, but they still had to abide by it.

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