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In 1896 Svante Arrhenius speculated that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could raise the temperature through the greenhouse effect.

He wrote his "Greenhouse Law":

If the quantity of carbonic acid increases in geometric progression, the augmentation of the temperature will increase nearly in arithmetic progression.

He was the first person to predict that carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) would lead to global warming.

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Q: When did Svante August Arrhenius predict global warming?
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What scientists described a base as a compound that accepts a proton?

The Svante Arrhenius definition of an acid is a compound that donates a hydrogen ion (or proton) in an aqueous solution.

Chemists call the energy needed to get a reaction started?

Chemists call the energy needed to get a reaction called activation energy. Activation energy was introduced in 1889 by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius.

Who invented greenhouse effect?

Joseph Fourier discovered the greenhouse effect in 1824. He examined the experimental data and worked out that the Earth gets most of its energy from the sun. He thought that gases absorbed the radiation and warmed the earth.In May 1859, Irish physicist John Tyndall proved that some gases have a strange ability to capture and retain heat, so demonstrating the physical basis of greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect.In 1896, Svante Arrhenius calculated that carbon dioxide emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming.In 1938 G S Callendar argued that carbon dioxide levels were rising and warming the earth, but few scientists supported him.In 1960 C D Keeling, using accurate measurements of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in Antarctica and in Mauna Loa in Hawaii, showed that levels of CO2 were rising even in just two years of data.

What year did global warming start worrying us?

Swedish scientist Svante Arhenius first wrote about the problem of CO2 buildup in the late 1800s. At that time our consumption of fossil fuel was still small enough that excess CO2 would not have posed a problem for centuries. By the 1950s our rate of consumption had grown so much scientists began carefully monitoring the rise of CO2. Earlier measurements had been made, but these were not consistent, and were often taken in urban areas where the concentration of CO2 gasses were higher than the global average. Just like turning up a thermostat does not immediately warm your house, so to increasing CO2 does not immediately heat the earth. Climate scientists did not become generally concerned about the global warming until the earth began actually warming unusually rapidly, beginning in the 1980s.

When did global warming first occur?

Global warming is both a natural process and a human induced process natural global warming started which the formation of the oceans resulting in water vapour trapping heat. Human induced global warming occurs mostly after the industrial revolution when fossil fuels became heavily used and burnt releasing stored co2.

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Svante August Arrhenius won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903.

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Svante Arrhenius died on October 2, 1927 at the age of 68.

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Svante Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859.

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Svante Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859.

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Svante Arrhenius died on October 2, 1927 at the age of 68.

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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 was awarded to Svante Arrhenius in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation.

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Svante Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859 and died on October 2, 1927. Svante Arrhenius would have been 68 years old at the time of death or 156 years old today.

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Svante August Arrhenius won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903.

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The Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius noted the potential effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels in 1896.

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