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The first record of a hominid is debatable either between 6-7 million years ago (Toumai fossil from Chad) or 3-4 million years ago (well know Lucy fossil). The more human-like neanderthals are on record from about 350,000-30,000 years ago, archaic Homo sapiens are on record from about 500,000-200,000 years ago, and modern Homo sapiens (us) from about 120,000 years ago to present.

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12y ago
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10y ago

God created them; the account is found in the first book of The Bible

... If your seeking the religious answer.

If you are looking for a time frame: although the scientific answer occurs around 150,000 years ago, perhaps even more if you go into the early of our species. Although 150,000 years ago is when the Cro-Magnon roamed this planet.

Traces of people who used fire have been found in Israel. This site has been dated at 400.000 years ago.

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6y ago

Genesis 1 tells us that God created man on the sixth day of Creation. It has been calculated that the earth is around 6,000 years old. So, man would have first walked the earth approximately 6,000 years ago.

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8y ago

Modern humans (Homo sapiens) have been on earth for around 200,000 years. We can trace our distinct hominid ancestors back around 7 million years.

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8y ago

The Jewish calendar states that the universe, and people (etc.) were created in 3760 BCE.

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