

When did the Viking Probe land on the moon?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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No Viking landed on the Moon. They landed on Mars. Look the program up on Wikipedia, it's pretty interesting.

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Q: When did the Viking Probe land on the moon?
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Viking 1 was actually a Martian space probe launched in 1975 by NASA. It was the first successful probe to land on Mars. It was launched by a Titan rocket with a Centaur upper stage.

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Yes. It is correct to say that viking was a name of a lunar probe.

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The Viking Space Probe was actually two different probes. Viking 1 and Viking 2 were used to explore Mars. The probes took photographs, did experiments and deployed instruments to the surface of Mars.

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First ever satellite to land on the planet Mars was a Russian probe called Mars 2. Albeit it did not land but crashed. The first successful probe to land on Mars was Mars 3 sent by the Russians, however the probe was operational for 15 minutes after landing on Mars. The first American probe to land on Mars was the Viking 1 on the 20th of July 1976.

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a poo great i have to do a report?

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The Soviet unmanned spacecraft Luna 9 was the first man-made probe to make a soft landing on the moon on February 3rd, 1966.

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The Soviet Union's unmanned spacecraft Luna 9 was the first man-made probe to make a soft landing on the moon on February 3rd, 1966.

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The US landed the Viking probe.