

Best Answer

Tobacco was smoked in clay pipes long before the use of paper rolled cigarettes came a long. A guess? Sometime in the 1860's. Cigars also pre-date cigarettes by many years.

Bizet's Opera Carmen was written in 1830 and places Carmen as a worker at a cigarette factory. Presumably, this suggests a date earlier than 1860.

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The history of Zig-Zag says during the battle of Sevastopol, in which the French fought, a French soldier's clay pipe was broken in battle. He tore a piece of paper from a gunpowder bag and used it to roll the first cigarette.

Improved answer:

When Columbus went to America, he saw American Indians smoking in elaborate pipes, or in rolled up leaves. The Indians probably had been smoking long before Columbus saw them. Anyway, Columbus and his men tried it, liked it, and brought some back to England, and got everyone hooked on it. So, at least you know that people have been smoking tobacco since before 1442.

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It is believed the people of Central and South America were smoking crude cigarettes made by stuffing shredded tobacco, or marijuana, into hollow reeds starting sometime before 900 A.D.

re-improved answer:

Mayan Indians were the first people to smoke tobacco. This is a fact.

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14y ago
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15y ago

In the early 16th century, the poor of Seville, Spain collected cigar butts from rubbish and rolling the remaining tobacco in pieces of discarded paper. These cigarillos, Spanish for "little cigars" finally caught on across class lines and throughout Europe by the 18th century.

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14y ago

Hope this helps! Here is some history I found on:

History of Cigarettes and Smoking

Tobacco and smoking has a long and checkered history dating. The tobacco plant is believed to be widely spread in America since the 1st Century. Pictorial records of smoking date back to the 11th century. Below is a synopsis of the history of smoking. cigarettes, cigars and tobacco.

1492:- Columbus Discovers Tobacco; "Certain Dried Leaves" Are Received as Gifts, and Thrown Away

1518:- Juan De Grijalva lands in Yucatan, observes cigarette smoking by natives

1527:- Tobacco recorded as addictive by Bartolomé de Las Casas.

1531:- Santo Domingo: European cultivation of tobacco begins.

1556-1558:- Tobacco introduced to France, Spain and Portugal.

1564-1565:- Tobacco introduced to England

1600:- Sir Walter Raleigh persuades Queen Elizabeth to try smoking.

1614:- First sale of native Virginia tobacco in England; Virginia colony enters world tobacco market, under English protection

1683:- Massachusetts passes the nation's first no-smoking law. It forbids the smoking of tobacco outdoors, because of the fire danger. Soon after, Philadelphia lawmakers approve a ban on "smoking seegars on the street." Fines are used to buy fire-fighting equipment.

1762:- General Israel Putnam introduces cigar-smoking to the US.

1770:- Demuth Tobacco shop, the oldest tobacco shop in the nation is established by Christopher Demuth at 114 E. King St., Lancaster, PA

1794:- The U.S. Congress passes the first federal excise tax on tobacco products.

1805-1807:- CERIOLI isolates nicotine, the "essential oil" or "essence of tobacco"

1809:- Louis Nicolas Vanquelin isolates nicotine from tobacco smoke.

1827:- First friction match invented. Chemist John Walker calls his invention "Congreves," after the rocket maker. Later they became known as "lucifers", then "matches

1830:- First organized anti-tobacco movement in US begins as adjunct to the temperance movement

1832:- The cigarette is invented by an Egyptian artilleryman during the siege of Acre. the Egyptian's cannon crew had improved their rate of fire by rolling the gunpowder in paper tubes. For this, he and his crew were rewarded with a pound of tobacco.Their only pipe was broken, so they took to rolling the pipe tobacco in the paper tubes.

1852:- The first matches are introduced, making smoking more convenient

1860:- Manufactured cigarettes first appear in the United States. A popular early brand, Bull Durham, commanded 90% of the market.

1861-1865:- Tobacco is given with rations to Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War, and many Northerners are introduced to tobacco this way. During Sherman's march, Union soldiers raided warehouses in search of the mild, sweet "bright" tobacco of the South. Bright tobacco becomes the rage in the North and eventually replaces the heavier Turkish tobacco in cigarettes.

1864:- First American cigarette factory opens and produces almost 20 million cigarettes annually.

1875:- Allen & Ginter cigarette brands, Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 and Pet, begin using picture cards to stiffen the pack and protect the cigarettes. The cards, with photos of actresses, baseball players, Indian Chiefs, and boxers are enormously successful and represent the first modern promotion scheme for a manufactured product.

1880:- Mssrs. Richard Benson and William Hedges open a tobacconist shop near Philip Morris in London.

1886:- JB Duke targets women with "Cameo" brand.

1898:- Tennessee Supreme Court upholds a total ban on cigarettes, ruling they are "not legitimate articles of commerce, being wholly noxious and deleterious to health. Their use is always harmful."

1900:- Washington, Iowa, Tennessee and North Dakota outlaw the sale of cigarettes.

1901:- Strong anti-cigarette activity now exists in 43 of the 45 states.

1901:- 3.5 billion cigarettes and 6 billion cigars are sold. Four in five American men smoke at least one cigar a day.

1902:- Tiny Philip Morris sets up a corporation in New York to sell its British brands, including Philip Morris, Blues, Cambridge, Derby, and a cigarette named after Marlborough Street, where its London factory is located. Marlboro is one of the earliest woman's cigarette, featuring a red tip to hide lipstick marks. It does not catch on with the public.

1909:- Baseball great Honus Wagner orders American Tobacco Company take his picture off their Sweet Caporal cigarette packs, fearing it will lead children to smoke. The resulting shortage makes the Honus Wagner card the most valuable baseball card of all time, currently worth close to $500,000.

1910:- Most popular brands: Pall Mall, Sweet Caporals, Piedmont, Helmar and Fatima.

1913:- RJ Reynolds introduces Camel, considered by historians as the first 'modern' cigarette.

1917:- There are now 3 national brands of cigarettes on the US market: Lucky Strike, Camel and Chesterfield.

1921:- RJ Reynolds spends $8 million in advertising, mostly on Camel. Inaugurates the highly successful "I'd Walk a Mile for a Camel" slogan.

1923:- Camel captures 45% of the US market.

1924:- Philip Morris re-introduces Marlboro with the slogan "Mild as May," targeting "decent, respectable" women. "Has smoking any more to do with a woman's morals than has the color of her hair?" the advertisement reads. "Marlboros now ride in so many limousines, attend so many bridge parties, and repose in so many handbags."

1927:- A sensation is created when George Washington Hill blatantly aims Lucky Strike advertising campaign at women, urging them to "reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet." Smoking initiation rates among adolescent females triple between 1925-1935, and Lucky Strike captures 38% of the American market.

1930:- Most popular brands: Lucky Strike, Camel, Chesterfield, Old Gold and Raleigh.

1933:- The Journal of the American Medical Association publishes its first cigarette ad, a practice that would continue for 20 years.

1936:- Brown and Williamson introduces Viceroy, the first national brand to feature a filter of cellulose acetate. Advertising increases the use of physicians to counter the claims that cigarettes are a major health problem.

1940:- Most popular brands: Camel, Lucky Strike, Chesterfield, Raleigh and Old Gold.

1940:- Adult Americans smoke 2,558 cigarettes per capita a year, nearly twice the consumption of 1930

1942:- Brown and Williamson claims that Kools keep the head clear and give extra protection against colds. Lucky Strike, Chesterfield, and Camels all promote the health benefits of their cigarettes, including the prominent display of physicians. This practice continues into the 1950s, when it is abandoned in favor of silence on health issues.

1950:- Most popular brands: Camel, Lucky Strike, Chesterfield, Commander and Old Gold.

1952:- Kent introduces the 'Micronite' filter, which Lorillard claims "offers the greatest health protection in cigarette history." It turns out to be made of asbestos. Kent discontinues use of the Micronite filter four years later.

1954:- RJ Reynolds:- introduces:-Winston:- filter cigarettes, but promotes the taste benefit, not health. Winston dominates the US market for the next 15 years.

1954:- Marlboro advertising taken over by the Chicago ad agency Leo Burnett. "Delivers the Goods on Flavor" ran the new slogan in newspaper ads. Design of the campaign, which features 'Marlboro Men,' is credited to John Landry of Philip Morris. Prior to initiating this campaign, Marlboro had <1% of the US market.

1963:- Marlboro:- dispenses with tattooed sailors and athletes as the Marlboro Man and settles on the exclusive use of cowboys. For several years, Philip Morris research had shown that sales increased whenever they cowboys appeared in their campaigns.

1964:- Marlboro Country ad campaign is launched. "Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country." Marlboro sales begin growing at 10% a year.

1968:- Philip Morris introduces Virginia Slims with the slogan, "You've come a long way, baby." Five yeas later, Billy Jean King, wearing Virginia Slims colors, defeats Bobby Riggs in the televised 'Battle of the Sexes.' Virginia Slims continues to promote tennis matches to this day.

1970:- Most popular brands: Winston, Pall Mall, Marlboro, Salem and Kool.

1971:- TV cigarette advertising banned. The ban was scheduled to begin on January 1, but was delayed for one day to allow a final glut of Super Bowl ads. Fairness Doctrine anti-smoking ads also disappear. Cigarette sales begin rebounding from their four year decline. RJ Reynolds' top-selling Winston brand, which had been challenged by Philip Morris' Marlboro for most of the 60s, is particularly hard-hit. While the Marlboro cowboy translates into print advertising beautifully, Winston's only identifier was the jingle, "Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should." Winston focuses on promoting car racing, but steadily loses market share to Marlboro.

1972:- Marlboro becomes the best-selling cigarette in the world. It remains so today by a wide margin.

1980:- Most popular brands: Marlboro, Winston, Kool, Salem, and Pall Mall.

1987:- Joe Camel's USA Debut. A North Carolina advertising agency uses Joe Camel to celebrate "Old Joe's" 75th anniversary. Four years later, the Journal of the American Medical Association publishes two reports on Joe Camel and kids. One study finds that 91% of 6 year olds recognize Joe Camel, similar to the percent who recognize Mickey Mouse. The other study finds that since the inception of the Joe Camel campaign in 1987, Camel's share of the under-18 (illegal) market has risen from 0.5% to 32.8%, worth >$400 million per year.

1988:- After a 15 year decline, the incidence of teenage smoking increases.

1989:- During the 93-minute broadcast of the Marlboro Grand Prix, the Marlboro name appeared on the television screen 5,933 times for a total of 46 minutes. Sponsorship of televised sporting events becomes the principal means by which cigarette companies subvert the 1971 ban on TV advertising.

1990:- Most popular brands: Marlboro, Winston, Salem, Kool and Newport. However, Marlboro actually outsells Winston by a 3 to 1 margin.

1990:- The US realizes a $4.2 billion trade surplus from tobacco products. Despite 2.5 million deaths worldwide due to smoking, Vice President Quayle remarks, "We ought to think about opening up markets."

1992:- Dying of lung cancer, 'Marlboro Man' Wayne McLaren appears at Philip Morris' annual shareholders meeting in Richmond, Virginia, and asks the company to voluntarily limit its advertising. Chairman Michael Miles responds, "We're certainly sorry to hear about your medical problem. Without knowing your medical history, I don't think I can comment any further." The Marlboro Man died of lung cancer three months later.

1993:- Cigarette promotional expenditures reach $6.03 billion, an increase of 15.4 percent over 1992.

1995:- Marlboro cowboy, David McLean, dies of lung cancer at 73.

1997:- In response to pressure by the Federal Trade Commission, RJ Reynolds abandons the 'Joe Camel' ad campaign.

1998:- Camel, Winston and Kool introduce youth-oriented ads, many of which mock the anti-smoking movement.

1999:- About 10 million Americans smoke cigars.

1999:- Britain's royal family orders the removal of its seal of approval from Gallaher's Benson and Hedges cigarettes

1999:- Philip Morris acknowledges scientific consensus on smoking. "There is an overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers".

2002:- CDC estimates smoking health and productivity costs reach $150 billion a year, according to a new study published in this week's WMMR. CDC estimated the total cost of smoking at $3,391 a year for every smoker, and even itemized the per-pack health/productivity costs at $7.18/pack. Further, it estimated the smoking-related medical costs at $3.45 per pack, and job productivity lost because of premature death from smoking at $3.73 per pack.

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12y ago

The first boxed and commercially sold cigarettes rolled in paper were called Duke of Durham. But there were hand made cigarettes available prior to that.

Tobacco was being sold as early as the 17th century, but for use in pipes and for snuff and not yet cigarettes.

The first rolled tobacco products were made in France around the time of the War of 1812 and were appreciated by the French military men. They were rolled in paper for use by the rich, but the poor/rural people rolled tobacco in corn husks (maize husks) to make their own.

The British became more involved in smoking tobacco and used rolled and chopped tobacco which was inside paper during the Victorian era. Women also started smoking more around that time and that is when the cigarette got its name. The product emerged from the common cigar that mostly men smoked at that time, to be made into the dainty cigarette that women preferred. These were still rolled in paper by hand.

The cigarette-making machine that chopped and rolled tobacco in paper automatically and much more quickly than the hand rolling process, was invented in 1881. This made the commercial product cheaper to produce, and the reduced prices added to the popularity and increase of use.

Shortly after the rolling machine was created, the first packaged cigarettes to be on the commercial market were made by the machine, packed in a box and sold with Baseball cards inside the box with them. They were called the brand name of Duke of Durham and were made by the American Tobacco Company. By 1902 Phillip Morris had come out with their own packaged cigarettes and the Marlboro brand was born.

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12y ago

They were always legal. In fact tobacco was the major cash crop in many states like Virginia for some time until the stigmatization of cigarettes made tobacco an unpopular crop to grow. Think of the history of marijuana and cigarettes as inversely proportional in terms of legality. Marijuana in the US had had a bad reputation in America since Prohibition (the time it was officially made illegal), which as time progresses is decreasing. Cigarettes on the other hand had been a cultural norm (and even rich tradition) in America until a relatively recent campaign to villainize cigarettes and their respective corporations was taking up.

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14y ago

They came out in the 1600's when the tobacco plant was sent to Europe from the colonies. There was even a item written by the king that stated tobacco was bad for the body.

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15y ago

around the 1400's.

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3y ago

1600 hundreds

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