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at about three or four months, there's no set date

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15y ago

2-4 months. Calcium might help with this process, if longer is not a pure breed.

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Q: When do bull terrier ears stand up?
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Can an 8 Months Bull Terrier stay with his ears up if they are taped at 8 months and not 5?

It's doubtful. Possible, but unlikely. If they stand, it will take a long time.

Is there a time frame you must tape up bull terriers ears?

NO! You never tape a bull terrier's ears, never! Why would you want to?! They go up on their own, just be patient!

What if your 6 month bull terriers ears are not up how do you get them up?

my bull terriers came up after some weeks take it to a vet or a bull terrier breeder nothing extremely wrong just don't clip them

Why the ears of Maltese terrier up when she gets older?

Our Maltese Terrier had the same thing: her ears were down as they used to be when she was about 9, 10 weeks; then they just stand up few days later until now. Why? any answer to help?

At what age should a Boston Terrier puppy's ears stand up?

Generally between 4 and 6 months

What makes up the breed of a bull terrier?

they were bred from the old English bull dog(now extinct)and also the staffordshire bull terrier.

Ears of a Boston terrier are they born with short ears?

not always when they are puppy's there ears are down and as they mature there ears will prick up . Unless the puppy is a mixed breed then they might not stick up straight when they get older.

My Boston Terrier dont know how to keep her ears straight Doctor said wasn't broke help me teach her?

Lol, If she is a puppy you can tape her ears till they stand up but if she is an adult your stuck with the floppy ears!

Do boston terrier pups need their ears clipped?

No, unless you don't want them to have huge ears, because they almost ALWAYS stand up straight and they are ALWAYS huge, like bat ears. Take it from someone who has a 1 1/2 year old Boston Terrier. He has HUGE ears. Really really big ears. I wouldn't recommand doing that though.

Has the ears been clipped on the cesar dog commercial?

If the dog you're asking about is a small white dog (a West Highland White Terrier), the answer is no, its ears were not clipped. That breeds' ears are naturally small, pointy, and stand straight up.

How do you make the bull terriers ears stick up?

Assuming you're asking about a puppy's ears, there are different ways of getting its ears to stand up and you should ask your breeder or veterinarian to show you the techniques. Done incorrectly, you can permanently damage the puppy's ears.

How do you get a bull terrier ears up?

about three months, it's different for every dog