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they are born with them if they don't have them then they are going to die :(

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Q: When do fighting fish grow their fins and tails?
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Do fins grow back after ich in betta?

Yes; fish fins can regrow and heal with amazing speed.

How Tail Fins grow back faster?

Giving the fish exactly the correct water parameters for its species and good food will help it to recover as quickly as possible. Fins grow on a fish in a similar way to humans growing finger nails.

How big dose a fish grow?

A Betta Fish or Siamese Fighting Fish are only a few inches. The females grow to about 2.5" and males grow to 3".

Do fishes fins or tails grow back if bitten off?

It is quite possible for a fish to regrow damaged and/or torn fins provided that you catch it early enough. The key to this is very clean tank water, very regular water changes, along with the use of water conditioner, aquarium salt, and items such as Melafix and Pimafix.

Is there anything you can do to help beta fins grow back?

First thing would be removing the fish that is attacking the Beta's fins. If it is not a fish, the Beta may have a disease such as tail rot-in which case you need to isolate the fish and treat it. But there are supplements that can help with the health of the fish.

Why do fighting fish lose their color?

they bite pieces of colorfull fins off. in the process of growing before showing the color, the fins come out clea until they grow some then they begin showing the color again. My fish is adult as well and thank to people who answer it

Do baby fish have fins?

Yes and No. Those who are born live will have fins so they can swim immediately. Those who are born from eggs will have an egg sack attached to them which they will feed on till they grow fins and can swim. Fry (baby fish) born like this are very vulnerable to be eaten.

Why do male beta fish's fins fall off?

there is 1 reason that i know of is that older male bette's will lose there fins. "Dont wory they'll grow back"

What does a Coelacanth look like?

A coelacanth is a primitive looking fish. They have eight fins, two dorsal fins, 2 pectoral fins, 2 pelvic fins, 1 anal fin, and 1 caudal fin. They can grow up to 1.8 meters.

Will my fish fins grow back from fin rot?

Provided the reason for the loss of fins is removed and the conditions the fish is living in are correct then yes the fins will usually grow back. They will however never be as good (well shaped) as the originals.

Do molly fins grow back after being torn or eaten by another fish?

Provided the fish is given proper food and good conditions, yes the fins will grow back. The new fin(s) are never as perfect as the old ones. There is usually some deformity (scarring) resulting from the damage.

Will a fish die without its tail?

Techically no, but it depends on how it lost the tail. The fins and tails are fully regeritive tissue and should grow back virtually scarless, unless the damage is all the way to the base of the tail. There wouldn't be anything for the tail to regrow from. The damage would be permanent...