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Generally kittens begin to sniff out adult food at 7 weeks. They may try sooner or later, but 7 to 8 weeks is when it is experimented. A kitten formula is ok or even an adult food is fine as long as it is not a dietary formula they need their nutrition. If they try to eat hardfood just monitor them.

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13y ago

By the time a kitten is four to six weeks old, most kittens will begin to take an interest in their mother's food. It is then time to introduce some solid food in the form of a fresh raw meat diet. Feed a kitten in a very shallow dish, not a deep bowl, and be sure to warm the food to at least room temperature. Filtered water is preferable to chlorinated tap water. Cats do not require much water when fed on this species-appropriate diet, but fresh water should be available nonetheless.

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Cats should not be fed milk because they are lactose intolerant.

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They will begin to wean from mother's milk between 7 and 10 weeks of age. It will be a gradual process.

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Q: When do kittens start eating regular cat food?
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Your kittens are 27days old cat you feed them kitten food?

27 days is a little young to start feeding them solid food. Your kitten starts eating kitten food whenever it feels that it is ready. You could keep a bowl of food out, and water out if you like. At this stage, kittens may begin to explore regular cat food and might want to try it, but many start around five or six weeks. I would stick with soft kitten food at first.

When can kitten eat food on their own?

Kittens around six to eight weeks old start taking an interest in their mother's food, so can start to be introduced to solid food as this is around the time they start to be weaned off the mother's milk. Try mashing up some good quality wet/canned food (look for a brand with a high named meat content and no grain, such as Felidae or Blue Buffalo to avoid tummy upsets) for them. Mixing the food with a little bit of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) at first helps the kittens get used to solid food. Gradually, over the course of several weeks, decrease the amount of water/milk in the food as the kittens become more confident with eating. The weaning transition should not be rushed. From then on, kittens should be fed kitten food until they are done growing, which is around nine months to one year. A high quality kitten food that has a high meat content (labelled Chicken, Turkey etc. as the first ingredient) is best as it has extra nutrition for growing kittens.

How long until cats start eating?

In saying this, you might mean, "When do kittens start eating solid food?" and if that is the case, here is the answer: In the wild, kittens start eating solid food at about seven weeks. Their mother shows them how to hunt and what to eat by bringing them killed or half-dead prey. Domesticated cats might not be able to bring in prey; their human owners usually go for the recommended age for beginning the weaning process: five weeks. But at seven weeks, the kitten should be fully confident with eating solid food. During their eighth week, the kittens will suck on their mother's leftover milk, but aren't entirely dependent on it anymore.

How can you prevent kittens from eating dog food?

you can take the food away from them and let them eat kitty food.

What shall i do if my cat has babies and i don't want to keep them?

wait till the kittens start eating food on their own and give them to a nonkill shelter. easy

How old are kittens when they stop drinking their moms milk?

Jus like a real life mommy, they are able to produce milk as ling as the kittens are nursing. When the kittens have reached the appropriate age to be weened YOU have to keep a close eye and try to get your kittens to stop nursing....kittens will start eating the food if you put it out- try to get food meant for kittens or even soft food- not canned for- jus a softer version of dry cat food. Once all of your kittens have eaten regular food- DEF make sure none of them are nursing- then momma cats dries up and all is well!

How old are kittens when they start to eat cat food?

By the time a kitten is four to six weeks old, most kittens will begin to take an interest in their mother's food. It is then time to introduce some solid food in the form of a fresh raw meat diet. Feed a kitten in a very shallow dish, not a deep bowl, and be sure to warm the food to at least room temperature. Filtered water is preferable to chlorinated tap water. Cats do not require much water when fed on this species-appropriate diet, but fresh water should be available nonetheless.

Why is your 2 week old kitten not eating?

Well actually kittens don't start to eat solid food until they are 4 weeks old, unless you are talking about them not drinking their milk.

Why do kittens stop eating and still have normal activity?

They might Not like the food Look on the Internet and see what kitten food is bought the most

How do you get a kitten to eat kitten food?

Answer:First you start out by just giving them luke warm Kitten Replacer Milk (KMR). When the kittens are around six weeks old you can start adding little bit of wet cat food. As they get older and you start to wean them onto more solid food. Don't give them hard food straight away; use this:Take some cat food and kitten milk. Put it all in a blender until it isn't clumpy anymore, then warm it for 30 seconds or less and then give it to them. After they have gotten used to it, gradually make it chunkier until they are eating solely kitten food. After that the kittens should start eating there food graciously. I have 5 6-week old kittens and I just started this recipe and it is cheap and affordable. They should love it and you could use leftover meat like cooked chicken or turkey as a treat.Answer:Kittens around six to eight weeks old can start to be introduced to solid food as this is around the time they start to be weaned off the mother's milk. Try mashing up some good quality wet/canned food (look for a brand with a high named meat content and no grain, such as Felidae or Blue Buffalo to avoid tummy upsets) for them. Mixing the food with a little bit of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) at first helps the kittens get used to solid food. Gradually, over the course of several weeks, decrease the amount of water/milk in the food as the kittens become more confident with eating.

What do you do if your dog doesnt like regular dog food?

If you mean by 'Doesn't like regular dog food' that it isn't eating it's food, I suggest you take him/her to the Vet. It could have something wrong with it's teeth to stop it eating.

When will kittens begin to eat solid foods?

Kittens around six to eight weeks old they start taking an interest in their mother's food, so can start to be introduced to solid food as this is around the time they start to be weaned off the mother's milk. Try mashing up some good quality wet/canned food (look for a brand with a high named meat content and no grain, such as Felidae or Blue Buffalo to avoid tummy upsets) for them. Mixing the food with a little bit of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) at first helps the kittens get used to solid food. Gradually, over the course of several weeks, decrease the amount of water/milk in the food as the kittens become more confident with eating. The weaning transition should not be rushed. From then on, kittens should be fed kitten food until they are done growing, which is around nine months to one year. A high quality kitten food that has a high meat content (labelled Chicken, Turkey etc. as the first ingredient) is best as it has extra nutrition for growing kittens.