

When do turtles reproduce?

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Q: When do turtles reproduce?
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Do turtles reproduce sexualy or asexualy?

Turtles reproduce sexually

What are turtles life facts?

turtles produce and reproduce. they also lay eggs

How do box turtles reproduce?

A male and a female will mate to produce young.

Do turtles reproduce sexually or asexually?

All reptiles reproduce sexually. They then lay eggs that hatch into young reptiles like turtles.

How do sea turtles reproduce their young?

by laying eggs

Do sea turtles need a mate to reproduce?


How do leather back sea turtles reproduce?

babies and sperm

Do green sea turtles carry out external fertilization?

Nope - they reproduce by internal fertilization.

Are red-eared slider turtles asexual?

turtles mate just as much as others. yours may not LOVE eachother Turtles reproduce sexually and lay eggs as well. Turtles mate for up to fifteen minutes underwater.

Can a Mexican turtle and a Russian turtle have babie?

No, they are two differnt types of turtles therefore cannot reproduce

Do turtles have periods?

Only mammals have periods. Turtles are reptiles and reproduce by laying eggs. Therefore, no periods. Turtles don't even have wombs, since their embyoes develop in the egg, outside of the mother's body, usually buried in the ground.

Does a snapping turtle reproduce?

ONE snapping turtle can't reproduce. It takes two, male and female. But yeah, snapping turtles as a specie do reproduce. All living things eventually die, so a specie that doesn't reproduce to replace old individuals with young individuals will disappear rather soon.