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When it's healed up and the infection is not open anymore, you can't transmit it to other people. However, there are different types of staph and one of the most common types stays in your blood and can reoccur at almost any time. One day, you might have a new sore in any random part of your body. Also, any cut that you get (even minor skin abrasions) are susceptible to the infection. Make sure that you are on the lookout for any break in your skin and keep them clean. In addition to antibiotics, try Epsom salt baths on the wound, and Grapefruit Seed Extract (taken orally). Also, make sure the infections are kept dry. Staph thrives in moist conditions, so it's good to let your wound breathe and not just keep it in a bandage all day. Tea Tree Oil is also very good for keeping it clean and dry. Also, you should avoid sugar as it has been proven that sugar helps staff thrive in your blood.

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It cannot be assumed that contact with a MRSA-infected individual is safe. Avoid contact with surfaces if you have an uncovered wound, and get medical attention as soon as possible.

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Are airborne staph infections contagious?


Is a staph pneumonia infection contagious?

yes VERY

Can a person get a staph infection from a dog scratch IF they can is the staph infection contagious?

They are highly infections, not just to dogs, but to humans as well.

Is a staph infection contageous?

Yes.You must finish taking all of the antibiotics. Even if your symptoms have begun to clear up and you are feeling better; if you still have antibiotics left than you are likely still contagious.Symptoms often begin to go away before you have completed taking all of the medicine, the virus itself however is normally still present and your body is still fighting it off.

When should you be admitted into the hospital for a staph infection?

YES!!!!!! they can get really bad, and some staph infections (like mrsa) are contagious. It would be a mistake not to go.

Is staph infection from surgery contagious to others?

depends on type of staph, I have had skin staph infection for years and have never spread it to my wife. Nor have I been able to get rid of it. Not fun to deal with. Good luck.

What are the symptoms of staph?

large red bump that looks like a pimple, small boils, do not pick! go to the doctor and have them do a staph culture. you can aslo see pics of staph online if you google "pictures of staph". staph is very dangerous in certain strains and also contagious. if you are certain it may be staph go get the culture asap.

What is mersa infection?

MERSA and MRSA are the same bacteria, Staph Aureous. When then become resistant to a certain antibiotic called methicillin they then get the designation of methicillin resistant Staph Aureous. The difficulty in treating this super bug is that is is resistant to many, but not all antibiotics.MSRA is a contagious disease that is a strain of bacterial staph infection.

Can you get a staph infection by male sperm?

People can get staph infections from contaminated objects, but staph bacteria often spread through skin-to-skin contact - the bacteria can be spread from one area of the body to another if someone touches the infected area.

Is mrsa more contagious than other species if staph?

MRSA is a contagious bacterial infection that spreads through direct skin to skin contact with people, or by touching contaminated surfaces.

Is mrsa more contagious than other species of staph?

MRSA is a contagious bacterial infection that spreads through direct skin to skin contact with people, or by touching contaminated surfaces, however MRSA can also move through air. People with active MRSA or Staph infections are more contagious, but even MRSA carriers who are not infected can spread it to others causing infections.

Should pregnant moms avoid people with staph infections?

Yes, if the infection is contagious it can infect the mother and harm the child.