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Does it matter what age the child is if you put he or she up for adoption

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Q: What age is best to adopt a child?
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What is the best slogan in adopt a child malnourished?

adopt child !! that's all thank you

What is the age a child can make their own decisions in Pennsylvania?

I think that in any state you must be 18 years of age to adopt a child. However, your state may have laws about the requirements you need to adopt a child.

Can you adopt a child as your sibling?

No, you can only adopt someone to be your child. Your parents would have to adopt the person if you want them to become your sibling.

Can I adopt 20 years old child currently living in US in chicago US?

There is not a way to adopt a person at the age of 20. After the age of 18 they are considered an adult.

How old do you have to be to adopt a child under the age of 5?

Depending on the state 18 or 21.

When a kid is taken by a social worker how do you get them back?

just adopt then click the age the child was

Can teen parents sign over rights to their child to another teen couple?

'Signing over their rights to a child' sounds like adoption here. Most states have laws set about who can adopt. Usually people over the age of 25 and / or married couples. Not to say that you cannot adopt under the age of 25, but I do believe that you must be at least 18 to adopt a child in some states. Minors under the age of 18 are not considered adults, and therefore cannot adopt children.

Can i adopted a child of 16 years of age?

It depends on how old you are. most adoption agencies prefer that you are at least in your 20's before you adopt any kid. but yes you can adopt a child of 16.

What are some good websites that offer information on adoption? Please go onto: ASK THESE QUESTIONS: How many adoptions are there in the U.S.; what age brackets for adoption are most sought after?; Can a single person adopt a child?; Can gay people adopt a child?; At what age can you adopt a child?; What agencies are there in the U.S. to adopt children?; Can going through a lawyer to adopt a child be quicker?; What other countries will allow you to adopt a child and what is the process? This will give you a good start on it. As you ask google each question it will lead you into further information regarding adoption. Good luck

Does rosalie and Emmett adopt a child?

Rosalie and Emmett do not adopt a child

Do you have to pay support for step child age 6?

Only if you've adopted him/her. If so, then you are obligated to pay child support (after a divorce with the child in question's parent, of course) until they are 18 years of age. But if you didn't adopt the step child, then you owe nothing, regardless of the child's age.

Can you adopt a child without their sibling?

Yes, you can adopt anyone before age eighteen, however adopting a child without any last family is immoral, at least to some people. It is for the people to decide if they want to.