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Q: When one dog licks another dog is he showing dominance or submissiveness?
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Related questions

What does it mean when a wolf licks another wolf?

When a wolf "licks" another wolf it is a sign of trust or mating. When they do this they are grooming eachother. This happens in the packs of wolves.

How long does it take to lick all of the Tootsie Pop?

In my tests, exactly 568 licks, or about 20 minutes. This is all licks, no sucking, and no biting. In another trial, it took 579 licks, so about the same amount.

Can your dog get sick if he licks another dog with topical flea prevention?


What is ihdf?

# ihdf is another word for udf and djksgjsd also it licks your mums bum

What does it mean when a dog licks another dogs but?

To try and make friends trust me I have 30

Is it normal when a rabbit licks you?

Unlike cats and dogs, rabbits don't like you because your hands are salty. Licking is one of the primary methods rabbits have of showing affection and/or dominance/submission. So if your rabbit licks you, it's because it likes you. Its a sign of affection or trust- a rabbit kiss.

What is the vicelord licks?

The licks are to get you in the gang

If a hamster licks is it a bad thing?

Do not be alarmed. This is very common. Your little hamster is showing affection for you! That means that your hamster loves you! Or it can mean something else. If you groom your hamster, the hamster would want to groom you back to show his/her appreciation. It's the same with rabbits.

When was Kitten Licks created?

Kitten Licks was created in 1996.

When was Read My Licks created?

Read My Licks was created in 1994.

Does it take 442 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie ROLL?

it does not take 442 licks it takes 5,000 licks i counted it while i was eating it

How many Licks to center of a tootsie roll pop?

540 licks