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Q: When polystyrene dissolves in acetone what properties does the solution have and what gas is given off?
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What dissolves polystyrene?

polystyrene foam (styrofoam cups and packaging materials) is soluble in acetone.It is not melted but dissolved.The acetone dissolves the long polymer strands releasing the trapped air(foam) and thus the structure collapses

What is the reaction of polystyrene and acetone?

The mixture of Polystyrene and Acetone results in the creation of a sticky residue as the Polystyrene beads dissolve into the Acetone. You can use Nail polish remover with Acetone. However, the chemical reaction occurs at a much more rapid pace with pure Acetone.

Is acetone an aqueous solution?

Acetone may be considered the solute and air the solvent.

What happens when you pour acetone on styrofoam?

the styrofoam dissolves

Why does acetone dissolve styrofoam?

Both styrofoam and acetone are non-polar molecules, and like-dissolves-like.

What chemical dissolves lard?

Acetone or any nonpolar solvent

Is dissolves in acetone a physical or chemical property?

dissolution is a physical property

How do you remove nail varnish from false acrilyc nails?

use a nail varnish that doesn't contain acetone as the acetone dissolves the acrylic!

What dissolves superglue on clothing?

acetone, so long as it's on natural fibres, and not on man-made ones, as acetone affects some plastics,

Why is acetone non transferable in pipettes?

Acetone dissolves many plastics. Some pipette tips are safe for use with acetone, including polypropylene tips, a common micropipette tip material.

Is Acetone a physical property or chemical property?

Acetone is a chemical. It has both chemical and physical properties.

What is this green solution?

chlorophyll and acetone