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Q: When rocks undergo weathering they become?
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When igneous rocks are exposed on Earth's surface and undergo weathering they eventually become which rock?

The sediments from the weathering could become part of a sedimentary rock formation.

Any rock exposed at Earths surface will undergo?

The rock or rocks will undergo weathering and erosion.

How do big rocks become little rocks?

By weathering

What are two things that could happen to a metamorphic rock to continue the rock cycle?

Metamorphic rocks can melt into magma and then undergo cooling and crystallization to become an igneous rock. Or, they can undergo weathering and erosion into sediments and then lithify to become sedimentary rocks. +++ They can melt and become magma only if subducted - a process normally confined to the sea-floor plate.

Why do many rocks become rounded?

Erosion and weathering will cause rocks to become rounded.

What happens to rocks when they undergo weathering?

After a long time getting weathered, rocks erode and smooth over until they can be implemented as dildos.

How can sedimentary rocks become igneous rocks?

ingeous become sedimentary rocks after they undergo the process of weathering either mechanical, chemical, or biological.

How animals become the agent of weathering?

by scratching the rocks

How can igneos rocks become sedimentary rocks?

Igneous rocks can become sedimentary rocks through weathering and erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation.

What changes do rocks undergo near the Earth's surface?

Rocks at or near the surface are subjected to mechanical and chemical weathering which results in oxidation and hydration of their minerals and breaking into smaller pieces. Rock fragments and mechanically-weak weathered rocks may then be subject to erosion, i.e. to being carried away.

What processes most directly helps create soil from rocks?

Weathering and erosion break down rocks until they, eventually, become soil.

What occurs during the weathering process?

There are 2 main processes of weathering, mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. In both processes the rocks are broken down. In the mechanical weathering process the rocks are simply made smaller. they are the same composition, just smaller pieces. In the process of chemical weathering the minerals in the rocks undergo a chemical change, they break down. This break down of minerals make them easier to erode. But, erosion is a different question.