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If you apply direct pressure to the wound, you should see bleeding stop or slow considerably within 10 minutes, assuming the digit is immobile. Elevate the limb above the level of the heart as well. After 20 minutes, if it's still bleeding, consider calling a doc -- you'll likely need suturing if nothing else. DO NOT TIE A TOURNIQUET EXCEPT AS A VERY LAST RESORT -- Tourniquets are dangerous. You should be able to control almost any bleed in a finger without a tourniquet. Note that if the victim is prescribed aspirin, coumidin, warfarin, or Plavix, you'll see these times increase considerably, as all of these meds delay clotting factors. Even so, 10-20 minutes should control the bleeding.

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Q: When should a Deep finger cut stop bleeding?
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If a girl cuts her finger, the blood itself will chemically stop her finger from bleeding. The blood will form a clot at the cut and stop other blood from flowing out if no artery was severed.

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Fibrin is a compound in the body responsible for coagulation process, thereby helping to stop the bleeding.

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Stop the bleeding with pressure and go to the ER for stitches.

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Depends on how deep the cut is. You should be able to just apply pressure and stop the bleeding with a paper towel kleenex or if it keeps bleeding and looks serious take them to a hospital to have it checked out.

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At any age, you should remove the staple and clean the puncture wound. If their is a lot of bleeding that does not stop, seek medical help.

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A gauze bandage can be used to stop bleeding.

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stitches there could still be glass in your hand

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when your finger gets cut and bleeds for 5 minutes or so and then just stops it's because the blood clots. it's not a bad clot just one to stop bleeding. washing the cut and applying pressure also helps.

Deep razor cut what should you do to make it better?

put pressure on it until it stops bleeding, then I would out neasborne and a band-aid on it.. if the bleeding doesn't stop after a day, or if it is oozing, go to the hospital. other than that, it's no biggie.