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Q: When someone says one thing but means another?
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What word means to say one thing but do another?

When someone says one thing but does another they are being a hypocrite. These people are often mocked by others.

What Is saying one thing and meaning another?

When someone says something and means another it can mean lying or being deceiving. For example when someone says they want to be your friend and will be in touch with you they do the opposite they ignore you for periods of time.

Is when someone knowingly exaggerates or says one thing and means another poetry terms?

The term for when someone knowingly exaggerates or says one thing and means another in poetry is often referred to as "irony." This literary device adds layers of complexity and depth to the meaning of the poem. It can create an unexpected twist or reveal a deeper truth.

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Can something mean a person?

No. "Something" means what it says, a "Thing". "Someone" means a person!

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What is irony of situation in literature?

It is when the writer says one thing that means another.

What is a word for saying one thing and doing another?

A person who says one thing but does another is called a hypocrite.Saying to do this, and doing another is making someone a hypocrite

What if someone says they don't care what people think of them?

It's not bad if someone says that, just means he or she has a high self-esteem and that's a good thing.

What is a uplift?

When someone says that you uplift them it means you put them in good spirits. This is a very good thing.

What do you call someone that says one thing to you and then says something different to someone else?

Typically a turncoat if they are claiming allegiance or loyalty to you, and are then acting against you with another person.

What does it mean when someone says food is pink?

In my opinion, I honestly thing when someone says food is Pink it means it is bloody and has blood in it left over. You know what I mean? Lol.