

When was captain edward j smith born on the Titanic?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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He wasn't born on the Titanic. But he did die on the Titanic and he was 62 years old when he died

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Q: When was captain edward j smith born on the Titanic?
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Where was the captian of the Titanic born?

Captain Edward J. Smith was born in Hanley, Stafforshire, England on January 27, 1850.

When was Captain John Smith of the Titanic born?

Captain EJ Smith of Titanic was born on Jan 27, 1922, 1850 .

How did Ed Smith become famous?

Edward Smith was the captain of the Titanic. He was born in 1850 and died when he went down with the Titanic after it struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 1912.

Where is captin Smith from?

Edward John Smith (Captain of the RMS Titanic) was born in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England, on January 27, 1850.

Captain Edward John Smith age you no the 1 from titanic?

Born: January 27, 1850Died: April 15, 1912Died On The Titanic at AGE 62

Did captain Edward John Smith was a slavery?

No. The slave-trade was abolished throughout the British Empire many years before Smith of the Titanic was born.

3 How old was the captain of the Titanic when he died?

62. He was born January 1850 and died April 1912.

When was captain Edward born?

Captain Edward John Smith was born on January 27, 1850

How old would the captain of the titanic be today?

Captain E.J. Smith was born in 1850, so he would be 166 in 2016.

What info is there on the captain of the titanic?

Captain Edward John Smith was born in 1850 but died on the maiden voyage of Titanic. He was the highest paid captain on the seas and he had the most luxurious stateroom afloat. He worked his way up and was the 'Gentleman's Captain'; and everybody wanted to sit at his table. He was such a favorite of the White Star Line that he was on the maiden voyages for the Adriatic, the Majestic, the Baltic, the Olympic, and Titanic.

When was captain Edward John Smiths of the Titanic's birthday?

it is said that captain edward j smith was last seen in the bridge on the titanic.Another theory is that the captain survived the sinking and was seen carrying a baby to a lifeboat, but when asked to come aboard the life boat the captain refused and died in the icy water. but was killed by his pet momo

What was Captain Edward John Smith's nationality?

English was the nationality of Captain Edward John Smith [January 27, 1850-April 15, 1912]. The Captain was born in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. He was one of the casualties of the sinking of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean, at coordinates 49 degrees 43 minutes 55 seconds North and 49 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds West.