

When was the eastern orthodox church found?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Jesus Himself has established His Church. Eastern Orthodox tradition preserves this very Church.

The Orthodox Church was founded by Christ in the year 33 AD, on the Day of Pentecost.

According to Orthodox Christian beliefs, the Orthodox Church has always existed from the beginning of time (called the Church Triumphant) but the physical church on earth (called the Church Militant) was established in Jerusalem in 33 AD and continues to exist without any changes to its dogmas and beliefs, to this day.

The term orthodox (Gk: Ortho - correct ; Doxa - doctrine of faith) came about as early as the 2nd Century AD to describe those Christians who had the correct faith as oposed to the heterodox (Gk: heterodox - other faith) or the heretics. It was officially used in the 1st Ecumenical Council in 325 AD.

The term Eastern Orthodox Church is not officially used by the Orthodox Church themselves but has only recently been applied to the Orthodox Church by the Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations. It is infact incorrect to call the Orthodox Chuch Eastern when in fact the Orthodox Church exists just as much in the West as it does in the East.


If by Orthodox religion you mean religion which is Orthodox then orthodo religion has existed since the dawn of time. If however you are referrring to the Orthodox Church then, from a Roman Catholic stand point the Orthodox church came into being (officially) in 1054 at the Great Schism between the eastern church and the western church.


The Orthodox Church was founded by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem in the year 33 AD, which is known as the Day of Pentecost.

Orthodox churches begin when a church splits. Those that adhere to the traditional ways of doing things are orthodox, and those that have decided to do things differently, have a different name.

The Orthodox Church was founded by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem in 33 AD, on the Day of Pentecost, making it more than 2,000 years old.

The Orthodox Church was founded in the year 33 AD on the day of Pentecost. From that time onwards, it has remained unchanged for over 2,000, keeping faithful to the same beliefs and traditions of Jesus Christ and the Apostles. It also has an unbroken succession of bishops (called Apostolic Succession), who can trace their history from the New Testament Apostolic era to the present day.
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