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The Taser was first marketed in 1974. It has been through several changes and models since then.

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Q: When was the Taser invented?
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Who made the taser?

Thomas A. Swift invented the Taser. TASER is an acronym for Thomas A Swifts' Electronic Rifle

Where was the taser invented?


Who invented the first taser?

John Higson Cover Jr. invented the first TASER in 1974. He was also called Jack Cover.

Who invented tasers?

John "Jack" Cover invented the taser in 1974, he was also a scientist and made it with gun powder.

Who invented the purple taser?

it was obviously created by the rare underwater unacorn also known as the narwal

Why did Jack Cover invent the taser?

The concept for the Taser was developed from the Stun Gun. You can read the history of how Stun Guns were invented or where they came from in the link below:

Where did the term TASER originate from?

TASER is an acronym, named for a fictional weapon: Thomas A Swift's Electic Rifle. TASER is a rgisterd tradename of Taser Interntational. See:

How do you say taser in Spanish?

el taser

How many feet does a taser work?

A citizen Taser (Taser C2, X26c and M26c) can reach 15 feet.

When was Taser International created?

Taser International was created in 1993.

Did Jack Cover have any other Inventions besides the taser?

He also invented Thermecon (Thermal Energy Conversion System) in 1981

Who invented the taser?

The Taser was invented by Jack Cover in the late 1960s. Cover was a NASA researcher who was interested in finding a non-lethal way to stop suspects without using firearms. He named his device the Taser, which stands for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle," after a character in a series of adventure novels. The first Taser was developed in 1969 and was initially used by law enforcement agencies in the 1970s. Since then, Tasers have become a common non-lethal weapon used by police and military forces around the world. I have a link in bio that may catch your interest. Thank you!