

When was the first Bermuda Triangle disapearance?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: When was the first Bermuda Triangle disapearance?
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What is the most recent disapearance of a boat or plane in the Bermuda triangle as of January 30th 2010?

In May of 2017 a couple with their two children aboard an aircraft disappeared from the radar ... that was the most recent report

Who is the founder of the Bermuda Triangle?

christopher Columbus was the first person to identify and go through the Bermuda triangle

Who was the first person to figure out about the Bermuda triangle?

In 1974 Charles Berlitz was the first to talk about the Bermuda Triangle. But I am not sure who was the 1st person

Why is it known as the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is named after the island of Bermuda.

Is the Bermuda triangle a whirl pool?

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle.

Is the Bermuda Triangle near Florida?

Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is off the coast of Florida, Cuba, and Bermuda.

When was the Bermuda triangle discover?

The mythical area called the Bermuda Triangle was first mentioned in 1952. It was in an article in Fate magazine by George Sand. He described an area where unusual things happen, but didn't call it the Bermuda Triangle. In 1964 Vincent Gaddis published an article in Argosy Magazine titled "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" where the notorious name first appeared.

Was the Bermuda triangle closed?

No it was not the bermuda triangle is an area of ocean.

Is there pyramids in the Bermuda triangle?

No there are no pyramids in the bermuda triangle Idiot

When did the first plane disappear over the Bermuda triangle?


What was the first ship to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle?

there is no way to know this.

Who is the first person to disappear in the Bermuda triangle?

jack p