

When were scythes used?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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13y ago

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scythes were mostly used in the ancient greek myths,kronos used a scythe to kill his father.not much scythes are used now in wars.

AnswerIn the US, scythes have been used as recently as the 1800's when prairie farmers used them to cut grain and hay for harvest. Mechanical harvesters have eliminated the need for them, and the few remaining ones are now largely antique curiosities.

In third world countries, though, they are still used frequently due to the lack of mechanical harvesting, particularly by subsistence farmers. For more information, see the related link below.

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6mo ago

Scythes have been used for centuries and were most commonly used during the Middle Ages and up until the 19th century. They were used for cutting and harvesting crops, particularly grasses and grains, by hand. Scythes were eventually replaced by modern farm machinery as agriculture became more mechanized.

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What tools were used in the iron age?

Tools used in the Iron Age included items such as hammers, chisels, tongs, anvils, and bellows for metalworking, as well as axes, sickles, plows, and scythes for agriculture. These tools were typically made from iron, bronze, or wood, and were used for various tasks such as construction, farming, and crafting.

What tools and weapons did the Celts use?

The Celts used tools such as sickles, scythes, and flint knives for everyday activities like farming and hunting. They also used weapons like swords, spears, shields, and bows and arrows for battles and hunting. Metalworking was also an important skill, and they made weapons and tools from materials like iron and bronze.

What equipment did the peasants work with?

Peasants typically worked with basic farming tools such as plows, scythes, sickles, and flails. These tools were used for tasks such as tilling the land, harvesting crops, and threshing grain. Livestock such as oxen were also commonly used for tasks like pulling the plow.

What tools did early settlers use?

Early settlers used a variety of tools for survival and daily tasks. Some common tools included axes for cutting down trees, shovels for digging, plows for farming, scythes for harvesting crops, hammers and nails for construction, and traps and guns for hunting and defense. They also used simple hand tools like knives, chisels, and saws for various purposes.

What tools where made in the iron age?

Tools made in the Iron Age included weapons like swords, spears, and axes, as well as farming tools such as plows, sickles, and scythes. Iron tools were also created for woodworking, construction, and metalworking. Advancements in ironworking techniques during the Iron Age led to the production of varied and specialized tools to meet a wide range of needs.

Related questions

How are scythes and sickles different?

sickles are used one-handed. Scythes are used with two hands while standing.

Is scythes a noun?

Yes, the word scythes is a noun and a verb.The noun 'scythes' is the plural form of 'scythe', a word for a tool with a long curved blade on a handle used for cutting grass or grain by hand; a word for a thing.The verb 'scythes' is the third person, singular, present of the verb to scythe; a word meaning to cut with such a tool; a word for an action.

What were scythes used for?

Scythes were used as a hand tool for harvesting crops like wheat, barley, and oats. The curved blade of the scythe would cut through the stems of the crops at ground level. Scythes were efficient for mowing fields before the invention of modern agricultural machinery.

What tools were used in the 1700's?

tools such as horse drawn ploughs, scythes

What are scythes?

Scythes are tools having a long handle and a long curved single-edged blade. They are used to cut grass, crops, or other plants by swinging the blade close to the ground.

What is a scythe rock?

No idea. You might do a search on "scythe stone", which is a sharpening stone used to sharpen scythes.

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khurpi hoe plough

What does a scythe cut down?

Scythes traditionally cut down grain and wheat in agricultural settings. In ancient war, especially with the Egyptians, scythes cut down people.

Is there a place you can be taught how to use exotic weapons like Hand Scythes and Warglaives in California?

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What tools did farmers use in the 1600's?

There were a variety of tools that were used by farmers in the 1600's. These include flails, dibbers, breast ploughs, as well as scythes.

How is haying done?

Farmers uselong handled scythes to cut the hay close to the ground.